
The Ghost of Freddy Jackson

This fascinating photo is one of the most widely known ghost pictures ever taken. Shot in 1919, the photo came to public attention in 1975 when it was first published by retired Royal Air Force Air Marshal Sir Victor Goddard. The photograph is a group portrait of Goddard’s squadron, which saw action in World War I as part of the Royal Navy at the HMS Daedalus training facility.

In the photo, you can see the face of another man peeking out from behind the head of another pilot. This extra ghostly face appears behind the airman positioned on the top row, fourth from the left. When members of the squadron reportedly first saw the photograph, they instantly recognized the face as belonging to a squadron air mechanic named Freddy Jackson.

Sadly, Freddy had died accidentally just two days prior to the photo being taken when he inadvertently walked into an airplane propeller. In fact, the photograph was snapped on the occasion of Freddy’s funeral! Many believe that young Freddy, just not ready to accept his death, decided to show up and join his mates for the group photo.

Some skeptics say it is a simple case of double exposure; however, the face is not wearing a military cap, as all the other airmen are wearing. Experts can find no evidence of tampering. Maybe it is just the spirit of Freddy Jackson having wanted to see the boys one last time.

Freaky And Spooky Photographs That Nobody Knows How To Explain