
Brad Pitt – Drove Women Around, Wore A Chicken Suit

Before Brad Pitt found the big time he had several jobs to support himself. He attended the University of Missouri but dropped out when he was only two credits short of graduating with a degree in journalism. He did this so he could move to Los Angeles and pursue the road to stardom. While most people would say that it was a stupid move to quit when so close to getting his degree, he would disagree as things worked out just fine for him in the long run.

Before the big money started rolling in he tried his hand at several jobs to keep his head above water. One job was driving strippers around town and then being the DJ for them as they put on private parties. He also delivered refrigerators for a while, but the one that he probably doesn’t want to admit to was when he worked at El Pollo Loco Restaurant in Los Angeles. Pitt stood outside of the restaurant handing out flyers trying to get people to come inside for a meal. The kicker is that he had to wear a chicken suit while handing out the flyers. Can you imagine how many people were annoyed at him for trying to give them a flyer as they walked by? If they only knew what was coming up in the future.

The Most Embarrassing Jobs That Celebrities Had Before They Became Famous