He lost his weight considerably and several years later, he ballooned back (5 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       30 Jun 2009       36238
Obese man Michael Hebranko has lost and gained 3,000 lbs in his lifetime but now wants to lose weight for good.
The 56-year-old New Yorker weighs 25 stone, but is slowing shedding the pounds.
Yet his tale is one of astonishment. In his incredible lifetime, Hebranko gained and lost more than 214 stone (2,996 lbs), proving himself one of the best and worst dieters of all time.
In 1987, he reached his heaviest weight at a monstrous 79 stone (1,106 lbs). He was lifted out of his home and hospitalised at the brink of death.
Hebranko then went on a crash diet and lost 50 stone in 19 months without surgery. In 1990, he was recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records for having the highest recorded weight loss.
But over the next six years, Hebranko's weight ballooned back to almost 71 stone.
Today, he’s determined to change his lifestyle rather than diet. He says the pounds are coming off at a slow, healthy pace.

He lost his weight considerably and several years later, he ballooned back (5 pics)

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