Posted in
Babes 30 Apr 2009
Posted in
Babes 30 Apr 2009
Posted in
GIRLS 30 Apr 2009
Posted in
DAILY 30 Apr 2009
The day before yesterday we had one picture from this series. I’ve been thinking a lot about how this could happen? And then, I found all the pictures of this accident. The answer was easy.
On this slight slope the truck couldn’t turn and crashed into a concrete guardrail and started falling down. It was a real miracle that the truck actually hung on the railing and didn’t fall.
Posted in
NSFW 30 Apr 2009
Wow, if there were more such tennis players, I would go to see all their tennis matches. Only one picture after the jumps, but what a picture…

A Polish guy wanted to have a supercar. Without too much thinking, he has built himself a McLaren F1 in his garage.
The first image is a real McLaren F1.
Now, look at the results he obtained inside the post. You think he has succeeded? 
What you are going to see inside the post may seem strange to you, or on the contrary, very cool.
Anyways, these are very creative and unusual works. Look.
Today is the last day of our short working week )
I’m happy for our American users who have 3 days off this week as we do :)
The whole internet is filled with information about Swine flue. Be careful and take care of you.

Some news.
First of all, now, we not only have our page on FACEBOOK, but also on TWITTER.
So you can choose a more convenient way for you to follow Izismile )
Secondly, you leave more than 300 comments daily on the site. This is a very good indicator of your activity on the site. It’s really great and it is more interesting not even for users but also for us admins to check the site ;))
The selection of the pictures you sent will be posted next week. There are not so many of them for now, so you’ll have to wait a bit ) You can send me all you’ve got on weekend.
Well, that’s it.
Happy Labour Day for all of you or Law Day! (I'm confused
Wish you to relax and have a nice weekend.
See you on Monday )

On the picture is the first man in the world that caught swine flue but recovered from it.
More details here.

They are going out. Stars from the movie “Slum dog millionaire” Freida Pinto and Dev Patel were spotted together.

Funny gif animations:
Five Rules to Having a Happy Married Life
• It’s important to have a woman who helps at home, who cooks from time to time, cleans up and has a job.
• It’s important to have a woman who can make you laugh.
• It’s important to have a woman who you can trust and who doesn’t lie to you.
• It’s important to have a woman who is good in bed and who likes to be with you.
• It’s very, very important that these four women never meet one another.
Bridge on the Aiguille du Midi mountain (3.842 meters). Click on the photo if you don’t see it )

Man was drawing a cat during the schizophrenia development. OMG (

Now Mexican bank notes look like this

A man and his wife were driving their Recreational Vehicle across the country and were nearing a town spelled Kissimmee. They noted the strange spelling and tried to figure how to pronounce it - KISS-a-me; kis-A-me; kis-a-ME. They grew more perplexed as they drove into the town.
Since they were hungry, they pulled into a place to get something to eat. At the counter, the man said to the waitress: “My wife and I can’t seem to be able to figure out how to pronounce this place. Will you tell me where we are and say it very slowly so that I can understand.”
The waitress looked at him and said: “Buuurrrgerrr Kiiiinnnng.”
Interesting links on the web:
LOL (Life On Line) Internet Consultants
The Official White House Photostream's photostream
Polish pianist stops show with anti-US tirade
How 'virginity' is a dangerous idea
Largest Helicopter in the World
10 Women We Never Want to See on a Hot List Ever Again!
The Ethics of Dr. Gregory House
Pontiac cars through the years
Tiny Chihuahua dog blown away by 70mph gust of wind found in woods 1 mile away
Sex Was More Fun in the 1970s

Paris Hilton (5 pics)

Weird art (10 pics)

Russian city Novosibirsk with tilt-shift effect (41 pics)

Halle Berry doesn't look mutant (6 pics)

Kelly Brook gives us a nice view (5 pics)

Pretty girl from an auto show (13 pics)

Faces in places (30 pics)

SUV mud racing (19 pics)

Cool guitar car (7 pics)

Human landscapes from above (26 pics)
Celebrities are always perfect when they are in the limelight and Kim Kardashian is a good example.
But sometimes they forget their diets, sport coaches and don’t look as good as we are used to see them. That’s what happened to Kim Kardashian. First, I will show you her pictures the way she was before and the last 3 pictures will show you how she looks now. It will be easy to see the difference.

It’s a new bar that opened its doors not a longtime ago in Austin, Texas. The bar is called QUA Bottle Lounge and has installed an aquarium dancefloor where you can see some sharks. Well, now they are doing anything to attract people and gain new clients.
Posted in
Babes 30 Apr 2009
Quite interesting to see how she was different during each period of her life.
To see the transition, the years are shown on the pictures.
Ok, here we go ... 
Different sports, different sports situations, different emotions, face expressions etc.
I love watching such pictures of sport. They can truly be called “Big Shots”. 
One Lithuanian guy built a car using mostly polyurethane foam. Just to remind: this material can be found in every room of our house and practically everywhere we go. It is an incredibly resilient, flexible, and durable manufactured material that can take the place of paint, cotton, rubber, metal, and wood in thousands of applications across all fields. Well, in the beginning it was something remotely looking as car, or more precisely a car carcass, so I can’t even say that it was a tunning. The designer also made a cabin of this self-expending foam and installed airbags. The latter, in these conditions, wasn’t so necessary ;)) But what can be a problem is car’s flammability. 
What happened on this photo? Why are people reacting this way?
Do you have any ideas? Think about it and then go inside the post to see. 
I’m speechless. One can only dream of such a luxurious comfort.
I bet you can feel yourself a sheik for the time of flight ;)
Although, I think these flights can be affordable for a large population )) 
Apparently, homeless men in China are great lovers of FASHION. I’m kidding ;)
But I can say for sure, this can be seen only in China.
Great collection of pictures with signs made in different countries.
Some of them are interesting, others hilarious or unusual, well, to any taste.
I have already seen some pictures, but many others became a real discovery for me.
Some are very amusing species.
This marvelous slot canyon is located in Arizona near Page, on the Navajo reservation.
Indescribable beauty, you should absolutely see this!
Another great work from photoshoppers. Just a little fantasy about things (but not only things) made of wood. 
Flooding was caused by incessant rains. Rescuers had to make several rescue operations.
People are trying to stay in their homes, except for some who even in such weather would ride around the city in their cars.
It wouldn’t happen with small cars though, but this guy had no such problem with his monster truck.