Posted in
DAILY 3 Sep 2009
An amazing selection of photos of the Normandy in the first days after the allied forces landed in 1944 and the way it is today.
It is interesting to compare the same place back then and nowadays.
This girl became pregnant and decided to have a photo-diary.
In the end, she gave birth to triplets. The last photos are not very pleasant, but that's life.
Even professional photos of models look very different after Photoshop.
See for yourself.
The name of the post and the photos speak for themselves.
If you like, you can see a few collections from the series "Only in Russia":
Part 1
Part 2
Posted in
3 Sep 2009
Some guys from Germany made a very cool experiment.
They compared how food looks on packaging and in reality.
It turned out quite interesting.
On the left – pictures of packages, in the center - a larger photo on a package and on the right – the real photo of the product.
Alain Robert aka the French ‘Spiderman’ has surprised the world again.
Yesterday, the Frenchman managed to climb to the top of theTwin Towers in Malaysia without any dynamic ropes or any other security equipment whatsoever.
The building has 88 floors or 450 meters. Not bad.
For all romantics or those who want to be romantic, this is the post for you!
Nice and sweet words as well as quotes and just great pictures to express your feelings to someone you love.
Posted in
3 Sep 2009
Some are really funny. Take a look.
The works of one of the most famous children's photographer Kim Anderson are used for postcards in most cases.
No wonder, they are very sweet. I propose you to get acquainted with his amazing works.
Nature is unpredictable and it’s the most powerful force in the world. But even if its force is destructive and scary it can be also incredibly beautiful.
Let’s look at an amazing compilation of pictures after the jump.
This is the world's first full-sized house built from Lego.
And as its creator promised, the house won’t be empty, he will move there and will live in the house for some time.
A selection of rather unusual photos that illustrate how people lived in the USA in the seventies.
In order to collect the letters of this alphabet, the photographer Kjell Sandved spent many years.
The fact is that all these letters were photographed on the wings of butterflies.
This is very beautiful and you should definitely see it ;)
Toy photography is a real genre that has recently become quite popular.
Here are some of the best and most interesting works.
Posted in
Babes 2 Sep 2009
Posted in
Babes 2 Sep 2009
Posted in
Babes 2 Sep 2009