Well, the Dog and the Cat have had some troubles lately and the situation was tense.
Then, on food day, the Cat didn’t show up at all, so the Dog became suspicious: “What if the Cat tried to poison the most sacred thing of all…my FOOD??!!” He was hungry but he decided to bring someone to test his food first…
Alan Sailer, 54, is a photographer based in California. He is an expert in high-speed photography. You can see a lot of high-speed photography now on the Internet, but I must say this series is by far my favorite, it’s very colorful and the shots are just amazing.
Take a look at this big series, it is worth it.
Etsy is full of hand-made articles, some are masterpieces while others are just funny, weird or silly. Well, we will focus on the second category. So here are some creations that will make you laugh… or not. ))
To finish, I will quote the slogan of Regretsy which sticks well: “Handmade? It looks like you made it with your feet.” Enjoy!
When you see the gadget for the first time, you may wonder what it’s for. Well it’s quite simple actually, it’s a sex toy for women! It has 10 tongues and it’s spinning.
It’s official, women do not need men anymore. ))
Look at the pics of the device inside the post and a funny video at the end of the post.
Well, as said above, here is a compilation of tiny versions of bigger things ))
There’s a theme park in the Australian city of Darwin where you can swim with huge crocodiles. The attraction is called ‘Cage of death’.
Of course, people who long to try this attraction are put in a glass box, but still, the pictures give shivers, especially when you see the size of a crocodile.
Would you like to experience something similar? ;)
But not the presidential one. This White House is just a scale-down replica of the presidential mansion. It is located in suburban Atlanta.
Its owner, an American-Iranian - Fred Milani, has lived in it for 7 years but he has recently put it on sale for $9.88 million.
Take a look.
It's incredible how these “drawings” can look cool on cars.
And the most interesting is that it does not require any special or sometimes very expensive paint.
The simple dirt is used to do this and it’s totally free. However, in order to create such masterpieces one must have a great talent.
See for yourself.
I’m not fond of caviar and even less of snails, so it’s obviously not destined to me, but I’m sure there will be lots of amateurs, if they can buy it…
50 grams retails for $115. But it’s not surprising, I guess it must be expensive and complicated to produce, plus, it’s caviar!
A video and 10 pics await you after the jump.
Posted in
14 Oct 2009
You won’t believe what some smithcrafts are capable of doing ;)
Stars are already lining up for this handsome Skoda limo. Just kidding ))
Anyways, that is the funniest thing I have seen in ages.
I don’t know if it’s fetishism or not, but it looks weird. If it’s for others not to see what you’re doing on your computer, I guess it’s working, but it’s not very discreet…
Maybe, it’s just to warm your hands…
Anyway, one thing is sure, you’ve got to know your keyboard by heart…
That’s strange, but after all, the baby doesn’t seem to be bothered… so why not.
Maybe something to try for Halloween…
Posted in
Babes 14 Oct 2009
Posted in
Babes 14 Oct 2009
Posted in
Babes 14 Oct 2009
Posted in
DAILY 13 Oct 2009
Here’s a list of the most unique world records recognised internationally, both human achievements and the extremes of the natural world.
Until 2000, the Guinness World Records was known as the Guinness Book of Records and it is the best-selling copyrighted series of all-time.
The interesting fact is that it is one of the most stolen books from public libraries in the United States.
Garry Turner, of Caistor, Lincolnshire, England, stretched the skin of his stomach to a distended length of 15.8 cm (6.25 in) on the set of Guinness World Records: Primetime in Los Angeles, California, USA, on October 29, 1999.
You will see through this bunch of photos how she evolved in 50 years. This photo album was found and bought at a flea market. It’s interesting to see.
You will see two extraordinary miracles inside the post
And now you should think twice after seeing this, whether to give money or not to beggars…