Posted in
CELEBS 5 Nov 2009
All these celebrities...
Look and think carefully ;) The answer is above the last photo.Leonardo DiCaprio
One of the best costumes ever. You just have to find someone who can complete it :))
Eric Testroete did a little bit of paper craft and created this paper head of himself for this Halloween. I am very impressed with the result. He said about his work that it was “inspired by big-head modes seen in videogames”. I find it kind a cool :)
This stunning collection of vintage photos will take you into the past for a moment.
Inexpressible atmosphere, black and white colors, a whole bunch of impressions.
All this is waiting for you after the jump.
Luckily, it’s not the last fashion…
It looks like a t-shirt put backwards or something like that… ))
We often see photos of animals taken in the wild or in zoos but it’s not often that you can see them on white backgrounds!
A Belgian team named Life On White and led by Eric Isselée has taken “nearly 10,000 images of around 480 different animal species in an attempt to create the largest collection of animals photographed in front of a white background by a single photographer.”
You can purchase those pics online; parts of the benefits go to organisations that deal with the protection of animals.
Cheeming Boey is an artist who likes to use a Sharpie and make art on foam cups rather that using paintbrushes and painting on canvas or paper… it’s unusual but why not, after all it’s really well done…
His passion transformed into a business as he now sells them for hundreds of dollars.
Look at more of those cups after the jump!
This is another great selection of HDR photos. This is really an interesting technique, those photos are surrealistic.
They are big enough to use them as wallpapers, so if you want to put some color on your desktop, feel free to click on a pic inside the post to enlarge it and save it.
Posted in
Babes 5 Nov 2009
Meet Kitten Kay Sera, a very extravagant 46-year old woman.
It's not a secret that many girls love pink color, but her passion for it can be called maniacal.
She has a pink dog, she wakes up in a pink bed, eats in a pink kitchen, well, everything surrounding her is pink.
Well, do you still like pink? ))
Bank robberies are not just in movies, they are quite frequent actually. Sometimes, those robberies are successful, sometimes they’re not.
Anyway, here is a cool collection of robbers’ demand notes - some are funny.
Each time there is the photo for the robber, what he/she said and if the robbery was successful or not.
Some have clearly not the face of the job and I would never have expected that they could be bank robbers…
Posted in
CELEBS 4 Nov 2009
Stars are changing a lot with age and not always for the better.
Here are examples of stars that have grown old badly: Kirsty Allen
Mickey Rourke
Women's handbag is a whole different world, with its laws and secrets. I think everybody has repeatedly heard from a woman that everything in her purse has its purpose and everything is necessary :)
So, let’s take a look what they have there.
Posted in
CELEBS 4 Nov 2009
Celebrities like to celebrate Halloween and wear costumes too and that’s what they did last Saturday. And you’re lucky, the female celebrities gathered here all wore a sexy costume (except Heidi Klum and Jessica Alba…) for the occasion!
Enjoy!Annalynne McCord
Posted in
4 Nov 2009
Very interesting story. The pickup driver ignored the stop sign and his car landed directly under the feeder house of a combine.
Judging by what remained of the car, it is hard to believe that he survived, moreover, he got just minor injuries.
Happily, he didn’t have anyone in the car with him, otherwise there would definitely be victims.