Personal Railway road (7 pics + video)

Posted in PICTURES       27 May 2009       6909
The more I come across the articles about Russians the more I am convinced that they have souls of artisans, it’s in their blood.
Here is a Russian who has built a small railroad to move around on his land behind his house. For him it's the best way to move on his land. Well I say, why not ))

Personal Railway road (7 pics + video)

This Year Memorial Day (22 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       27 May 2009       13976
Memorial Day - a day for remembering the men and women of our armed services who died while at war. Memorial Day weekend has also become the unofficial kickoff to Summer, complete with backyard barbecues, parades and family getaways. Collected here are a handful of photographs for remembrance, acknowledging some of the men and women who have passed in conflicts from the U.S. Civil War through Iraq and Afghanistan today.
This Year Memorial Day (22 pics)

Russian SUV (6 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       27 May 2009       6341
Just one thing can be said: if some Russians can afford to buy a SUV, they can build it themselves ROFL sarcastic

Russian SUV (6 pics)

Good old Pamela Anderson on the beach (7 pics)

Posted in NSFW       26 May 2009       34764
Good old Pamela Anderson on the beach (7 pics)

Halle Berry (8 pics)

Posted in Babes       26 May 2009       20527
Halle Berry (8 pics)

Alphabet is everywhere (22 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       26 May 2009       7267
Alphabet is everywhere (22 pics)

Mariah Carey (7 pics)

Posted in Babes       26 May 2009       16713
Mariah Carey (7 pics)

Giant umbrellla (15 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       26 May 2009       6291
Giant umbrellla (15 pics)

Kim Kardashian (4 pics)

Posted in Babes       26 May 2009       30396
Kim Kardashian (4 pics)

Catastrophes taken on pictures (23 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       26 May 2009       17944
Catastrophes taken on pictures (23 pics)

Blake Lively (8 pics)

Posted in Babes       26 May 2009       9896
Blake Lively (8 pics)

Wheel trims (70 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       26 May 2009       18753
Wheel trims (70 pics)

Daily picdump (111 pics)

Posted in DAILY       26 May 2009       27343
Daily picdump (111 pics)
Daily picdump (111 pics)
Daily picdump (111 pics)

Journey into the world of illusions (49 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       26 May 2009       12468
Looking at such works, it seems that it’s really not true, but still, it is a reality, not fiction.
This might be one the best trompe l'œil that I saw wink

Journey into the world of illusions (49 pics)

Pregnancy – what it’s all about? (13 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       26 May 2009       26180
You will see the entire process in only 13 pictures: the beginning - fertilization and the end with childbirth.

Pregnancy – what it’s all about? (13 pics)

100 most creative business cards (100 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       26 May 2009       249694
This is my favorite kind of posts. I love all that is creative. Especially with simple things when we think that everything has been invented, there are always people to reinvent the good old things in a very creative way.
Several month ago I made a little selection of creative business cards, so, you’ll probably recognize some cards that you may have already seen but I put them into this collection in order to make 100 )

100 most creative business cards (100 pics)

Passer by pushed a suicidal person off the bridge (5 pics + 1 video)

Posted in PICTURES       26 May 2009       43063
This incident happened in Guangzhou, China.
A man threatening to commit suicide by jumping from a bridge was pushed by passer-by!
Lai Jiansheng, 66, said he was fed up with the desperate man's "selfish activity" which caused huge traffic jams, so he pushed the guy over the edge. Chen Fuchao fell 26ft (8m) on to an air cushion and is recovering in hospital, the official Xinhua news agency said. Xinhua said Mr Lai was "taken away by police", but gave no further details.

Passer by pushed a suicidal person off the bridge (5 pics + 1 video)

Strong spirit (12 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       26 May 2009       106238
Meet Paul "PJ" James - personal fitness trainer and an Australian model.
To put himself into the shoes of those of his clients who are heavy, he decided to do an incredible thing. Having a bacon and chocolate milk diet, Paul got 40 kg of an extra weight.
He wants to cheer these guys up and pass the message that it is possible to lose weight. As soon as he reaches his goal - 120 kg, he will do exercises to get in shape.
That's the way he was before. And inside the post you will see him with extra 40 kg

Strong spirit (12 pics)

These funny animals (44 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       26 May 2009       11918
These funny animals (44 pics)
These funny animals (44 pics)

Curiosities and bonus pictures

Posted in Forbidden       26 May 2009       5562
I’ve just learned that last weekend the North Korea carried out the underground testing of a nuclear bomb.
And this time the charge was almost 20 times higher than in 2006. The terror hits again?
Can you imagine if every new set of articles started with such news? ))
It won’t happen. We post on IZI only positive things (for the most part). Stay with us.
By the way, I look forward to your photos and videos for the next selection of “Users’ content”.
I only got 2 letters from you. So, be more active ;)
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Curiosities and bonus pictures Curiosities and bonus pictures

For those who didn’t happen to view the YESTERDAY’S SET OF NEWS ON IZI ))

Very simple optical illusion. You should see as fast as possible a dog and a cat on the image.
Curiosities and bonus pictures

Curiosities and bonus pictures
In a country where ghosts are traditionally believed to hide in the loo, a Japanese company is advertising a new literary experience — a horror story printed on toilet paper.
Each roll carries several copies of a new nine-chapter novella written by Koji Suzuki, the Japanese author of the horror story "Ring," which has been made into movies in both Japan and Hollywood.
"Drop," set in a public restroom, takes up about three feet (90 centimeters) of a roll and can be read in just a few minutes, according to the manufacturer, Hayashi Paper.
The company promotes the toilet paper, which will sell for 210 yen ($2.20) a roll, as "a horror experience in the toilet."

Funny gif animations:

James Maki, 59, the recipient of the second face transplant in the US, is seen before and after the operation in Boston. Maki, who underwent a 17-hour procedure, was disfigured in a subway accident in 2005.
Curiosities and bonus pictures

John Lennon doing coke ))
Curiosities and bonus pictures

The most significant moments of the internet history. Clickable.
Curiosities and bonus pictures

Interesting links from the web:

North Korea conducts nuclear test
Meet Dr. Ecstasy
New Michael Moore Documentary On The Economy Gets Release Date
Pet Purrrfect: The Ultimate Cat-Friendly Interior Design
Study Ball Makes Sure You Study
A Woodland Home
Talks Mary Roach: 10 things you didn't know about orgasm
21 Famous Photographs (Minus Pants)
Top 10 Fashion Trends of The 80's
Sky Net Is Just Google, If They Would "Be Evil"

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Wheel trims (70 pics)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Blake Lively (8 pics)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Catastrophes taken on pictures (23 pics)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Giant umbrellla (15 pics)

Splendid Megan Fox for Elle Magazine. 8 HQ Photos in the following of the Curiosities.

Curiosities and bonus pictures

The missing link in human evolution was found (10 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       26 May 2009       10663
It seems that the fossil, dubbed Ida or Darwinius, was found in Germany in 1983 but the claims that this might be the human anscestor was officially revealed on May 21 2009.
The fossil is placed within the primate family tree along with other fossil primates. Ida was originally thought to be a primitive lemur, but comparative tests revealed her to have anthropoid features. This indicates that she is a transitional fossil between primitive lemur-like primates and the monkeys, including the human lineage.
Dr Jørn Hurum, the Norwegian vertebrate paleontologist from Oslo, said: “This fossil rewrites our understanding of the evolution of primates... It will probably be pictured in all the textbooks for the next 100 years," and compared its importance to the Mona Lisa”.
And you, do you believe in this?

The missing link in human evolution was found (10 pics)

A leaf fell on a car (2 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       26 May 2009       10661
Who would have thought that apart from coconuts, palm leaves are also dangerous O_o
Avoid to park your car under trees, you never know!

A leaf fell on a car (2 pics)

Village school in China (30 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       26 May 2009       20796
Consider yourself lucky if you or your children study in beautiful buildings, have nice textbooks, desks, computers and access to internet. In short, this is different from what these children have.
Most of the children in Chinese villages have almost similar conditions. It’s horrible? Without a doubt.

Village school in China (30 pics)

Greatest tuning ever for the real men! (16 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       26 May 2009       10616
Tuning is very delicate subject, BUT… I should say it happens for a tuning to be very nice.
What you are going to see inside the post is completely – MIND BLOWING!

Greatest tuning ever for the real men! (16 pics)

Bridge construction (3 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       26 May 2009       11644
Here’s how they do to build big parts of bridges.
What did really astonish me is the Monster Truck that transports it all!

Bridge construction (3 pics)
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