Now he is the brightest representative of the “hip-hop” culture of the Dominican Republic.
He's a real gangsta and very dangerous
The famous Vitruvian Man by Leonardo Da Vinci has been revisited in various ways by different persons.
So, let’s see many different ‘Vitruvian Man’ after the jump…
It turns out that even banal STOP signs can be very funny.
All you need is to modify them a little bit. See for yourself ))
Posted in
NSFW 19 Jan 2010
Girls working out are a real poesy :)
Very creative. It changes from classic tights..
But would you dare wearing those tights, girls?
Posted in
NSFW 19 Jan 2010
Another unusual Japanese invention and if you think that it is an ordinary cup for instant noodles, you are mistaken.
This is called "Cup Nude". Well, all the rest look after the jump.
Posted in
NSFW 19 Jan 2010
Let’s see the darker side of Sin City, let’s take a look at the city beneath the city!
It’s interesting to see how some people in the city where everything goes around money are living! Lots of people found a shelter in those tunnels despite all the dangers.
Indeed, as well as diseases and venomous spiders, there is also the risk of flash floods which is extremely serious in winter and which can fill up the tunnels extremely quickly…
Enough talking, you will see everything there is to see after the jump.
PS: Don’t forget to watch the video!
Posted in
19 Jan 2010
These photographs come from the fashion show of a new 2010 autumn/winter collection for men from British designer Vivienne Westwood as part of the Milan men's fashion week. Ok guys, would someone dare to wear something like that… in public?
Masterpiece work. Just look at how real they look.
If some of them were not too fantastic as characters, one would think that these are photos and not 3D graphics.
Two opposite and powerful elements that are dangerous and helpful at the same time.
Let’s see the pictures.
It has been designed for people who work at home but need to escape from all the noise and distractions created by children, pets or anything else from inside the house. The only thing you need is a backyard..
Those are some nice pieces of work realised by Czech artist Oldrich Kulhanek.
Take a look:
Posted in
DAILY 18 Jan 2010
Hilarious collection of different situations where cops don’t look at their advantage ;))
The pictures were sent to us by Tony from
Thanks a lot Tony
Take a look at this funny selection and see the examples of how to avoid to poorly dress like that.
Inside the post, you’ll see many people wearing a WTF style.
Very interesting observation. Don’t you notice any similar trends by chance? ;)
I’m going to the gym tomorrow
A hilarious thread from Craigslist about men, women and drinks inside
People of the Mursi tribe (Ethopia) are famous for wearing clay plates in their lower lips.
That’s very impressive!
Recently, the FBI released photos of how would Osama Bin Laden look now as he aged.
But frankly, they did a poor job; he doesn’t resemble himself at all.