You can’t run away from your destiny…
Crawlers roam the barren wastes of a post steampunk world. These multi wheeled, all terrain vehicles are capable of going anywhere. They have front and rear steering, full suspension, and functional powered treads for movement.
Each picture is clickable so you can see every detail of the Crawler Town.
The Garbage Pail kids in these photos are nothing short of disgusting. I don’t know who collects these things but they need to find a new hobby. They don’t even have a face a Mother could have.
Posted in
CELEBS 23 Feb 2010
I never believed to all those ghost stories and these pictures won’t make me change my mind!
The photos in this post are believed by many to be untouched, but for me it’s just double exposure or stuff like that.
But still, it’s interesting to look at, as there are explanations coming along with the photos. Well, a post for paranormal lovers…
I always found it stupid to have a tattoo with the name of the person you love because you never know what’s going to happen next.
In these cases, as the tattooed persons couldn’t remove their tattoo, they covered it with another one…
Let’s see how it looks.
These are the coolest workplaces I have ever seen before!
I’d love to have some of those at my place…
It’s not because you are an Olympic athlete that you can’t have a good style! :)
Those ones understood that pretty well..
China, big country, a lot of trash. So here how some people transport their trash in order to get rid of it or recycle it. In order to do it, you must be physically fit but it is also a good exercise
Posted in
22 Feb 2010
A little selection of photos which shows the different types of taxi vehicles around the world.
Some of them look nothing like a taxi cab we are used to, but that’s what makes it interesting.
Havana, Cuba
Posted in
DAILY 19 Feb 2010
Posted in
CELEBS 19 Feb 2010
Celebrities may be the chosen people with all the glamour and glory but as these photos show, they age just like the rest of us. Admittedly, some of them do it with considerably more grace than we do but they age nevertheless. Time seems to fly by, whether you are a celebrity or not. Jim Carrey (1998, 2009)
Chelsea Clinton (1996, 2009)
If men wrote the articles for women’s magazines you can bet there would be some very different subjects on the cover.
The dog in these photos is one lucky pooch. Apparently the dog got caught in some flood waters in Las Angeles California and had to be rescued. The rescuers had to life and limb to save the animal and my hat goes off to them.
Body piercings are all the rage these days, but as these photos show, people are forever inventing new places to put the little pieces of art. I can just imagine what the parent of some of the kids had to say when they got home with their new piercing; “You pierced your what?”
Girls, you often ask us to post more pictures of cute boys, well, here’s a new little collection of the cutest ones ;)
It is always funny to watch someone else fall on their butt. This is especially true when the folks who are landing on their butt are professional ice skaters. As these photos demonstrate, they are not immune from falling on their butt either.
Posted in
NSFW 19 Feb 2010
Although tattoos are all the rage these days, it still amazes me why beautiful women would want to attract more attention to their self by getting their body covered with ink. As these photos show, ink is no longer just for the circus freak.
First Part Compilation of Girls with Tattoos (51 pics).
The gadgets in these photos are all designed to do just one thing; separate egg whites from the yolk. I am not sure how good they are at that job but they are certainly funny. Whatever happened to using the halves of the two eggshells?