If you aren't going to create your own content to use on your site, please be responsible and credit work back to the creator before swiping content created by others. All of these works have original authors, and your site is perpetuating the downward spiral of work becoming nothing more than "funny internet pictures" completely devoid of any reference to their source. It would even probably be much more interesting to your viewers to get the backstory on a particular image that they are curious about than to just be left in the dark (such as the commenter above).
Izi I just wanted to let you know that I love your site & especially the pic dump. A lot of work goes into gathering these pictures for us every day and I always look forward to the new galleries you have posted!
sgoralnick, indeed, this site only exists because it's ripping off other sites who do all the afore mentioned "hard work" and credit is almost never given. It's really unprofessional and unfair.
Mr. Number 12. Thank you for clearing the up for the arse-hats up there. Izismile is what keeps me going after the divorce and the sudden disappearance of my 3 children. Keep up the good work, Izi.
This is a picture of my daughter swimming in the ocean. I took this on Wednesday and posted a collection of pictures at http://community.livejournal.com/randompictures/8592679.html from that visit.
Dear #12 and #13 Yes pictures do have an origin, a creator, someone who put creativity and effort into creating a great picture. Like the one that was done by sgoralnik
I think he has all the right in the world to critizise that his work, among others' was taken and reproduced without aking him first, crediting him and linking back to him. It surely does not make him an arsehat, does it?
the original content DOES in fact come from a source or creator (i am the creator of one of the images in this "pic dump", as noted by the above commenter), and frankly find it not only insulting to be part of a "dump" irresponsibly posted without credit or linkbacks, but am completely baffled that folks such as you actually think that nobody worked hard to create such images. clearly you all enjoy the "dumps", but obviously none of the creators were paid for their content to appear here. "the way the internet works" is that you "pay" creators by (at the very least) providing a credit and a link to the source. otherwise, if you find a funny picture floating around the internet, you don't post it.
If you aren't going to create your own content to use on your site, please be responsible and credit work back to the creator before swiping content created by others. All of these works have original authors, and your site is perpetuating the downward spiral of work becoming nothing more than "funny internet pictures" completely devoid of any reference to their source. It would even probably be much more interesting to your viewers to get the backstory on a particular image that they are curious about than to just be left in the dark (such as the commenter above).
Izi I just wanted to let you know that I love your site & especially the pic dump. A lot of work goes into gathering these pictures for us every day and I always look forward to the new galleries you have posted!
sgoralnick, indeed, this site only exists because it's ripping off other sites who do all the afore mentioned "hard work" and credit is almost never given. It's really unprofessional and unfair.
Mr. Number 12. Thank you for clearing the up for the arse-hats up there. Izismile is what keeps me going after the divorce and the sudden disappearance of my 3 children. Keep up the good work, Izi.
This is a picture of my daughter swimming in the ocean. I took this on Wednesday and posted a collection of pictures at http://community.livejournal.com/randompictures/8592679.html from that visit.
Dear #12 and #13 Yes pictures do have an origin, a creator, someone who put creativity and effort into creating a great picture. Like the one that was done by sgoralnik
I think he has all the right in the world to critizise that his work, among others' was taken and reproduced without aking him first, crediting him and linking back to him. It surely does not make him an arsehat, does it?
the original content DOES in fact come from a source or creator (i am the creator of one of the images in this "pic dump", as noted by the above commenter), and frankly find it not only insulting to be part of a "dump" irresponsibly posted without credit or linkbacks, but am completely baffled that folks such as you actually think that nobody worked hard to create such images. clearly you all enjoy the "dumps", but obviously none of the creators were paid for their content to appear here. "the way the internet works" is that you "pay" creators by (at the very least) providing a credit and a link to the source. otherwise, if you find a funny picture floating around the internet, you don't post it.
indeed, this site only exists because it's ripping off other sites who do all the afore mentioned "hard work" and credit is almost never given. It's really unprofessional and unfair.
Thank you for clearing the up for the arse-hats up there. Izismile is what keeps me going after the divorce and the sudden disappearance of my 3 children. Keep up the good work, Izi.
This is a picture of my daughter swimming in the ocean. I took this on Wednesday and posted a collection of pictures at http://community.livejournal.com/randompictures/8592679.html from that visit.
Yes pictures do have an origin, a creator, someone who put creativity and effort into creating a great picture. Like the one that was done by sgoralnik
I think he has all the right in the world to critizise that his work, among others' was taken and reproduced without aking him first, crediting him and linking back to him. It surely does not make him an arsehat, does it?
Thats what i thought to!