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CELEBS 30 Apr 2010
Posted in
CELEBS 30 Apr 2010
Posted in
CELEBS 30 Apr 2010
Many people like to have fun with Photoshop. Don’t know who did this, but this is the funniest “rhythmic” masterpiece I have ever seen! Don’t laugh out too loud!

Some companies don’t spend much time on creating names for their products or offices. They don’t pay attention at double entendres, translations to other languages or misspellings… What do they get in the end? This…

The photos in this post won in the Best Photos according to Reuters category for the years 2003 through 2009. They include people and events from every walk of life in every country in the world. Not only are they some amazing and interesting, they are also inspiring.

Posted in
30 Apr 2010
This is what happens when your foot accidentally gets stuck on the gas pedal.

Posted in
RANDOM 30 Apr 2010
A cheerleader from the University of Oregon became famous in 2008, after being featured in Sports Illustrated. No wonder, that soon her private photos appeared online. Amanda Pflugrad appeared in bikini, short skirts, etc. All pictures were really good, however Amanda wrote a letter to the website that had first published her pictures asking it to take them down. She said her job opportunities and cheerleader scholarship were under a risk because of the photos you will see inside this post. Do your really think anything is wrong with them?

Posted in
ANIMALS 30 Apr 2010
Some photos of these dogs are very hilarious. Pay attention at the smile, it’s especially… mmm… cute? charming? And all the emotions are just amazing :)

Now this is 100% extreme! An Australian, a part of the adventurous surfers’ group, gliding on the waves of Arctic Circle. Of course, he had a hi-tech heated full-body wetsuit. Good for him because average winter temperatures can be as low as −40 °C…

If you get tired of costumes, you can wear a mask. The funnier it looks the better. This guy, for example, took a picture of himself and applied a special Apple’s Photo Booth effect to stretch it. He used this photo to make a funny mask. Take a look at what he got.

This is a great compilation of the best “space” events that happened in April. Inside this post, you will see photos taken by the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), a couple of satellites placed into orbit, two currently operating orbiters Space Shuttle Discovery and Russian Soyuz. Besides this, NASA has published interesting photos of the Earth due to Earth Day celebrations and displayed amazing 3-D images of far-flung galaxies made by Hubble Space Telescope.
Photos are clickable.
Posted in
30 Apr 2010
These guys from China have made their own Lamborghini. The time has come for world known super cars being 'copy pasted' by the Chinese :)
Well, it's not perfect, of course ;)))

Even though these science fair projects aren’t real, they are hilarious and superb! Funny ideas that made me laugh :)

I know that ninjas don’t make wall calendars. But let’s imagine they do. This is what you might get in this case.

Cold, calm and dangerous – this is the best description of Russian spetsnaz, a term used for special purpose units. As you can see, these are portraits of veterans who used to work for Russian spetsnaz. Photos are taken by Dima Beliakov. This photographer does know the best way to perfectly illustrate every person’s character.

Posted in
ANIMALS 30 Apr 2010
An interesting BeetleCam project created by two brothers from the UK has helped them to take wonderful pictures of wild elephants, lions and other animals in Tanzania. Brothers Matthew and Williams Burrard-Lucas spent two weeks in savannah letting their camera roll on its wheels closer to the animals to make the best shots. They operated their device from a distance sitting in their car nearby. Elephants were ok with the moving “enemy”, but lions crushed the camera and threw it away. Luckily, it was possible to restore the memory card and make these photos available. Enjoy!

We have posted great works by Russian illustrator mvn78 before. Truly, these illustrations are unbelievably beautiful. And here comes a second part you should see. By the way, the artist’s real name is Vladimir Manyuhin. I think he is very talented!