The Giant Oil Rig Explosion of the Gulf of Mexico (17 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       23 Apr 2010       12300

If you watch the news from time to time, then you know that an oil drilling platform has just recently exploded 50 miles off the Louisiana coasts.

126 workers were aboard the Deepwater Horizon rig when it blew up. 100 workers made it to the supply boats but 11 are still missing, seventeen were injured, four of them critically.

They still don’t know for sure what is at the source of the incident, the investigation is still going on…

Those pictures are very impressive, look at the size of the flames and how big the smoke cloud is! A lot of work for the fireboats and coast guards and a lot of pain and sadness for the families directly concerned by the accident…

The Giant Oil Rig Explosion of the Gulf of Mexico (17 pics)

A 10-Million-Dollar Bomb Shelter (9 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       23 Apr 2010       23105

This is how modern bomb shelters look like. Of course, their prices are really high. This one, for example, costs $10 million. Do I need one? The answer is… NO :) But it is great!

A 10-Million-Dollar Bomb Shelter (9 pics)

The World’s Scariest Roller Coasters (16 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       23 Apr 2010       72147

I love roller coasters that are faster than a car and longer than a mile. Photos of extreme coasters that are both exciting and scary are after the jump.



Nitro (New Jersey, USA)

Height is 229.7 feet, speed is 81 mph


The World’s Scariest Roller Coasters (16 pics)

Hyper Realistic Human Portraits (14 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       23 Apr 2010       25704

These wonderful human portraits look like photos. They were painted by Simon Hennesy who is a genius in creating meticulously detailed drawings. I love all his works!


Hyper Realistic Human Portraits (14 pics)

Improper Comics Covers (21 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       23 Apr 2010       13910

After inappropriate and WTF book covers and unconventional books for children, here comes improper comics covers… Improper but hilarious ))


Improper Comics Covers (21 pics)

Waterboard Thrill Ride at Coney Island (6 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       23 Apr 2010       7592

This installation at the Coney Island arcade was created by artist Steve Powers. The purpose of the installation is to get people to think about interrogation techniques. For $1, a visitor can watch an animated robot lean over a man in an orange jumpsuit and pour water into his mouth and nose, which produces convulsions for 15 seconds.


Waterboard Thrill Ride at Coney Island (6 pics)

Mission: Possible (18 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       23 Apr 2010       8333

Atlantis shuttle is getting ready for its final mission. It will take off on May 14. Inside the post, you can see some pictures of the preparations.

Mission: Possible (18 pics)

Real Wine Challenge (21 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       23 Apr 2010       6774

International Wine Challenge is a prestigious wine competition in London. I wouldn’t mind to have such a job: spending the whole day walking and tasting, at your leisure, wines. Easy job, and I will never spit out wine like these judges do :)


Real Wine Challenge (21 pics)

Daily picdump (139 pics)

Posted in DAILY       22 Apr 2010       22286
Daily picdump (139 pics)
Daily picdump (139 pics)
Daily picdump (139 pics)

Such a Sad Photo (2 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       22 Apr 2010       15749

This photo is so sad :( It has touched my heart, and I am sure it will touch yours too.

I mean the second photo, of course.


Such a Sad Photo (2 pics)

Double Sense Pictures. Part 3 (50 pics)

Posted in PICDUMPS       22 Apr 2010       33260

Here comes a new collection of pictures with double sense.
Enjoy and don’t forget the two previous parts:

Double Sense Pictures (56 pics)

Double Sense Pictures. Part 2 (33 pics)

Double Sense Pictures. Part 3 (50 pics)
Double Sense Pictures. Part 3 (50 pics)

Louis Vuitton Model without Make-Up (51 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       22 Apr 2010       116699

When you see models on catwalks, they are always so gorgeous and sexy. But when I look at all these girls without make-up, I can't stop but thinking that they are too ordinary, sometimes even anorexic.  Judge for yourself after the jump.


Louis Vuitton Model without Make-Up (51 pics)

"Mutant" Car – Hondabaru (16 pics)

Posted in       22 Apr 2010       15792

Hondabaru is a new type of car. As you might have guessed, Hondabaru has parts from both Honda and Subaru. This car was built by a 27-year-old guy named Yannik who had a Honda Civic, but always dreamt about a Subaru WRX. As he didn’t have money to get his dream car, he bought a battered Subaru for less than $2000 Canadian and laid the Honda Civic body on the WRX frame. He spent on his Hondabaru “mutant” $5300 Canadian in total. The car still needs to be finished, but you can take a look at it now.


"Mutant" Car – Hondabaru (16 pics)

Portraits of Famous People (35 pics)

Posted in CELEBS       22 Apr 2010       27887

When celebrities pose for a portrait, the pictures always look great. Take a look ;)


Zoe Saldana

Portraits of Famous People (35 pics)

Amazing Photos of the Universe (63 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       22 Apr 2010       37355
These wonderful images of the Universe were taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. This telescope named after Edwin Hubble (an American astronomer) has made about 200,000 photos since 1990. Inside this post, you will find fantastic space images compiled from NASA.
All images are clickable.

Amazing Photos of the Universe (63 pics)

A GPS Navigation Holder You Can Make Yourself (2 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       22 Apr 2010       11621

Do you like handmade things? If yes, you can build a GPS navigation holder yourself. It will be much cheaper than buying the cheapest holder in store.

Maybe it doesn’t look genius, but it’s functional.


A GPS Navigation Holder You Can Make Yourself (2 pics)

A Blast from the Past (95 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       22 Apr 2010       18886

A big collection of pictures from the past.

If you look carefully and pay attention to the details, you’ll like it even more.

As I always say, there’s something magical in such photos.



A Blast from the Past (95 pics)

These funny animals (39 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       22 Apr 2010       7593
These funny animals (39 pics)
These funny animals (39 pics)

Funny Signs about Unattended Kids (26 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       22 Apr 2010       44976

Kids who are left unattended can be a nuisance and require a lot of attention. I suppose that is why the signs in these photos are so funny, to make light of a bad situation.

Funny Signs about Unattended Kids (26 pics)

Backpacking Kitty!!! (20 pics)

Posted in ANIMALS       22 Apr 2010       11983

These great photos were sent to us by Davina Franks. We thank Davina so much! We will quote her message and post pictures of a backpacking kitty after the jump.


Backpacking Kitty!!! (20 pics)

Funny Captain Planet Costumes (25 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       22 Apr 2010       16664

The main character from famous American TV show Captain Planet and the Planeteers - superhero Captain Planet - can be very funny and even ridiculous. You can start laughing right after the jump.


Funny Captain Planet Costumes (25 pics)

How to Behave in New York Subway (9 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       22 Apr 2010       7376

American artist Jason Shelowitz known as jayshells has started a “Subway Etiquette” poster campaign in New York. Over 400 posters with rules on how to behave in the subway are put up on lines around the city. What do you think about this?


How to Behave in New York Subway (9 pics)

Snakes with Two Heads (28 pics)

Posted in ANIMALS       22 Apr 2010       46670

I have always wondered how two headed animals figure out which head is the boss? These two headed snakes can be rarely met in nature, but they are displayed in zoos and private collections. It doesn’t matter which head eats, because two headed snakes share one body. But it’s funny to see both heads being fed and it’s interesting to watch such a snake moving. Both heads can’t decide which direction is the best for the body :)


Snakes with Two Heads (28 pics)

Drawings That Can Be Transformed into Amazing 3-D Images (19 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       22 Apr 2010       17404

Images that you will see inside this post are very unique. This art presented by Istvan Orosz is called Anamorphosis. This renewed Chinese technique shows you the real image only when you have a special device or a specific vantage point to reconstitute it.

This technique was used by Leonardo da Vinci and other Renaissance artists (the art was brought to Italy in the 16th century). And now Istvan Orosz has mastered this 3-D art. He uses mirror Anamorphosis: places a mirror on the drawing transforming a flat image into a three dimensional picture. You can see more after the jump.

Drawings That Can Be Transformed into Amazing 3-D Images (19 pics)

Newly Born Baby Giraffe (8 pics)

Posted in ANIMALS       22 Apr 2010       9901

Do you know how tall a newly born giraffe is? Inside this post, you can see the first moments of a giraffe’s life and find the answer to this question. Enjoy!


Newly Born Baby Giraffe (8 pics)

Great “Face” Graffiti (18 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       21 Apr 2010       13055
Great “Face” Graffiti (18 pics)
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