It would be at least polite to put a proper map of SERBIA with Kosovo in it, because it still isn't officially separated, and I hope it never will be. Or just don't put f*cking map on our picture! The world of ideas is vast, if you have any brain! Everyone is allegedly not acting political, but every action says different! Btw this is all about sport, not pilitics, right?!
It would be at least polite to put a proper map of SERBIA with Kosovo in it, because it still isn't officially separated, and I hope it never will be. Or just don't put f*cking map on our picture! The world of ideas is vast, if you have any brain! Everyone is allegedly not acting political, but every action says different! Btw this is all about sport, not pilitics, right?!
world cup
pannini have to buy these pictures
Everyone is allegedly not acting political, but every action says different! Btw this is all about sport, not pilitics, right?!