with all the weird people who dress their dogs up in people outfits -- this is actually more humane and appropriate. some of these examples are piss-poor, but a couple of good fursuits.
Oh, dear god. Why would you choose the worst of the worst examples? Here is how they look when they are not homemade, and actual time and care is put into them: http://i.imgur.com/9mZB0.jpg .......... http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/105/a/0/tartii_fursuit_by_tartii-d4wadrb. jpg .......... http://img.ponibooru.org/_images/6a0798de09c998f412e2fbb4d4de06fe/30123%20-%20ap plejack%20cosplay%20furry%20fursuit%20rainbow_dash.jpg ........ http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2010/199/4/8/Lombax_Fursuit_by_Stathgar.jpg
Those are just a few examples. They just like to cosplay, like any other fandom. And when you have no money to pay someone else to make them... well you get atrocities like the ones you posted. But if done right, furries can be pretty darn cool.
with all the weird people who dress their dogs up in people outfits -- this is actually more humane and appropriate. some of these examples are piss-poor, but a couple of good fursuits.
Oh, dear god. Why would you choose the worst of the worst examples? Here is how they look when they are not homemade, and actual time and care is put into them: http://i.imgur.com/9mZB0.jpg .......... http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/105/a/0/tartii_fursuit_by_tartii-d4wadrb. jpg .......... http://img.ponibooru.org/_images/6a0798de09c998f412e2fbb4d4de06fe/30123%20-%20ap plejack%20cosplay%20furry%20fursuit%20rainbow_dash.jpg ........ http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2010/199/4/8/Lombax_Fursuit_by_Stathgar.jpg
Those are just a few examples. They just like to cosplay, like any other fandom. And when you have no money to pay someone else to make them... well you get atrocities like the ones you posted. But if done right, furries can be pretty darn cool.
jpg .......... http://img.ponibooru.org/_images/6a0798de09c998f412e2fbb4d4de06fe/30123%20-%20ap
plejack%20cosplay%20furry%20fursuit%20rainbow_dash.jpg ........ http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2010/199/4/8/Lombax_Fursuit_by_Stathgar.jpg
Those are just a few examples. They just like to cosplay, like any other fandom. And when you have no money to pay someone else to make them... well you get atrocities like the ones you posted. But if done right, furries can be pretty darn cool.