I can't even see his face in the last pictures with all those tattoos. I can understand tattoos on the arms or chest or back; I have a few. I can't stand it when people tattoo their faces though!
I think it's great that he has the confidence to do just as he wants. In my opinion it looks weird, but I'm sure he doesn't give a shit what I or anyone on here thinks, and that's commendable. Haters gonna....well you know!
Yes, haters gonna hate. But he is making himself a blatant target for all the hate and from everybody.. It's a self destruction, no self fulfillment. Maybe drugs fucked up his brain. He should consult a psychiatrist. Sad, very sad...
Those damn nose rings always make me think of one thing. Doesn't his nose ever run? Doesn't he ever have to blow his nose? What a shitty mess that would be.
you know what guys stfu all you hates its how he looks maybe he may not like the way you look guys we have a freedom and this is how he wants to use his at the end of the day its his face not yours so fu haters get a life and me myself would not get this done but i think hes got balls and i think it looks sweet as
Most people I know get tattooed for reason. I have reasons pretty much for all of mine. i just wonder what happened that made him this extreme. He was a really nice looking guy.
I can't even see his face in the last pictures with all those tattoos. I can understand tattoos on the arms or chest or back; I have a few. I can't stand it when people tattoo their faces though!
I think it's great that he has the confidence to do just as he wants. In my opinion it looks weird, but I'm sure he doesn't give a shit what I or anyone on here thinks, and that's commendable. Haters gonna....well you know!
Yes, haters gonna hate. But he is making himself a blatant target for all the hate and from everybody.. It's a self destruction, no self fulfillment. Maybe drugs fucked up his brain. He should consult a psychiatrist. Sad, very sad...
Those damn nose rings always make me think of one thing. Doesn't his nose ever run? Doesn't he ever have to blow his nose? What a shitty mess that would be.
you know what guys stfu all you hates its how he looks maybe he may not like the way you look guys we have a freedom and this is how he wants to use his at the end of the day its his face not yours so fu haters get a life and me myself would not get this done but i think hes got balls and i think it looks sweet as
Most people I know get tattooed for reason. I have reasons pretty much for all of mine. i just wonder what happened that made him this extreme. He was a really nice looking guy.
I can understand tattoos on the arms or chest or back; I have a few. I can't stand it when people tattoo their faces though!
Poor MF, that's what happens when you don't take the meds your shrink gave you...
Haters gonna....well you know!
and me myself would not get this done but i think hes got balls and i think it looks sweet as