"Everyday this Qantas Dash 8 Q 400 flys over our country property, always at 5.30 pm, without fail-I have watched it fly 'through' the moon a few times. Today, the moon was at the 'right' phase-approx in line with the planes flight path. So I set up gear (I have done this drill quite a few times!) I saw the plane along way of and thought 'no-its not going to hit', I stayed beside scope just in case, then as it got closer, I could see "it was going to line up!" My palm started to sweet-'buck fever', I only want to pull the trigger when I knew the plane was in the centre of the moon.-I got my wish! Technical details-Vixen 103 ED refractor on Vixen GP mount, guiding by Vixen SS2K,camera 450D at 250 sec 200 iso, And a nerve of steel! I have also enclosed photos of set up at time of event. I have a RAW file, and will tweek when I have time, my son helped me get this photo-he has already done a 'auto contrast', and we will upload when we have a improved version."
Thanks a lot Maxwell for sending us this news and your fantastic shot.
Correct name of photographer in this news article = "Christopher Tomas" from Queensland, Australia.