fidel castroll 14 year s ago
Who's your daddy?
Shopper 14 year s ago
#10 is the pedobear.
marycoco 14 year s ago
OMG!!!! iiiiiiiiiiuuuuuuuuuuuu poor girls
Sambone 14 year s ago
I'm so sad right now... how much do they cost?
S 14 year s ago
Judging from the dressing style, most these women are from the province where unemployment is high and especially for women there are very few reasonably paying jobs. More over, a lot of these ladies by Russian standards are old enough to have children so at least some of these women will be single moms to possibly multiple kids - especially in the province, that's pretty much a death sentence to your love life. There's no partner alimony in Russia and alimony for children is a joke. And certainly, some of these ladies are probably just stupid materialistic **'s
As for these men - you can't read a person's life story or character from a photo. Certainly some of these guys will be *******s looking for a young sweet thing, others may just be having tough luck in their love life for various reasons.
K 14 year s ago
Russian girls?
I´d say that the world is full of these. Could be Thai, Russian, French, American, you name it.
Its not sad, except that the guys are getting fooled into thinking that the woman really love him.
The girls do this so they can have their designer bags without working for it. I´m pretty sure its the men who gets used, not the other way around.
Lazy girls wanting a free meal for some sex exists in all parts of the world. How many drink have a woman ever bought for a man in a bar?
S2 14 year s ago
(Continued) I'm from the Russian community myself and I know quite a few of this kind of couples. Certainly there's a lot of divorces, although I think a lot of that is because people really barely know each other at the start of their relationship and so characters clash. I'd guess - based on my anecdotal experience - the divorce rate is probably double that of the general population. Most of the rest seems to have a reasonably stable and happy marriage. I think it's all in the match you make.
One lady finally found herself someone who wanted lots of kids with her and was rich enough to make her ambition of being a stay-at-home-mom happen; another is delighted about being a trophy wife cuz she loves nothing more than shopping, visiting all sorts of functions and parties and musea and spa's and travel around the world all the time and what not (plus she shares a few very expensive hobbies with her husband which she'd never get to do otherwise); two ladies each share a passion for academics with their husbands (they're also crazy smart, like PhD's and multiple master degrees, but so are their husbands) but I know one met through colleagues and not a dating agency - not sure about the other - and back home they hated being pressured by family into having kids, I don't think either of them wants any even though time for it is running out, here no one pressures them; another one set herself up with a very nice career thanks to her husband and they now both work so much they're never home so I'm not sure about the quality of their marriage but they're not planning on divorce.
;) 14 year s ago
Those guys must be loaded, because they sure weren't gifted with good looks!
Kelvinn 14 year s ago
Those girls are nothing more then common sluts whore.

As for the guys, I hope they have a prenup, cause she'll flee with half their money.

Doesn't look like it's worth it, you better pay for a real prostitute, so she won't have headache when your ready for some action.
Sambone 14 year s ago
Honestly, do you think ANY of these guys have any illusions about how these young beautiful women REALLY feel about them? Caveat emptor.
Maggie 14 year s ago

You're wrong and naive by thinking that these men are fooled by those women. No one is fooled here and both use each other. These men want to have pretty girl by their sides and not necessarily they are rich. These women just want to get out of their miserable lives in their miserable country. I'm from Poland and I know many girls who would do exactly the same because life in province can be really hard if you don't have your family support so don't judge. These guys are not stupid, they know exactly what it all is about.
terravolt 14 year s ago
Me love you longgggg time
GOODSTUFF4U 14 year s ago
from Maggie - I know many girls who would do exactly the same because life in province can be really hard if you don't have your family support so don't judge. These guys are not stupid, they know exactly what it all is about.

allah ak bbq 14 year s ago

I've got a buddy from grade school; he got himself one of these Russkie broads. Couldn't get her to leave the stripper pole, once he got her over here. That "marriage" lasted three years. Five years later, he went shopping again. Brought back his current wife. They've been married for a decade now, and have truly precious six year old twins.

you just never know.

ps--he ain't nearly as fugly as any of these dudes, and he's only 44--she's 40.
Bitter 14 year s ago
So many misconceptions. A couple of things to think about. What if these guys don't like American/British whatever nationality of women? What if these Russian women don't like Russian men? Also, is there any relationship at all that isn't a form of using each other? Man /woman - Parent / child. It appears all relationships on a basic level are all just excersizes in quid pro quo.
KungFu Grip 14 year s ago
poor girls
will824 14 year s ago
Well guys, this is not a matter of "Russian" brides, its just a misconception of something that happens within every culture, name it American, Venezuelan, Colombian, Eastern European, Asians, just to mention some situations.

Russian are just spoken of because they are among the most beautiful women in the world, therefore there is a huge difference in couple's reciprocal "beauty".

Please also note that in other cultures, name Italian for example, the opposite happens and you can see handsome guys with not so "beautiful" women.

Another important matter is to acknowledge that even is "some" women want to just marry to get papers, this does not mean all women from that culture are thinking the same.

And of course... please understand that wherever culture you are in, if you are an "old" not so "good lucking" guy, chances are that if you get a "young and pretty" girlfriend, there is only a slim percentage that there is real love involved... and even if we do not believe it, sometimes there is ;)

Cheers guys and lets not just take stereotypes for granted, instead lets try to understand them and the exceptions to the rules.

Colombia, SoutAmerica
[email protected]
xenomorph 14 year s ago
will, you're right. and I do spot a misconception in your post as well!

-> Russian are just spoken of because they are among the most beautiful women in the world, therefore there is a huge difference in couple's reciprocal "beauty". - who told you this? let me rephrase that, are any of the women in this post beautiful? every nation has beautiful people. saying that russian women are amongst the most beautiful is like saying swallows fly to one_particular_country for the winter (they fly south and pretty surely pass through more than one country)

another misconception is the following -> poor girls from the countryside don't have options :( boooo hooo, yeah, life is hard but who has it easy? You can make a choice and strive or if you have it in you - be a skanky whore who likes to be spoon-fed. No one has it easy so stop trying to find excuses for being a whore!
lolipop 14 year s ago
money talks............
2Cool4Ice 14 year s ago
Thats why i wanna be rich !
un visiteur 14 year s ago
ooohhhh is pitty for the girls...
4down2 14 year s ago
Sugar Daddy,s that,s all !
Peanut 14 year s ago
Stupid men who will be used, abused and thrown to the wind. Cheap tricks who want an easy ride.
Maria 14 year s ago
Be careful American men! Those women are scammers!! All they want is a visa and your $$$$ !! They will tell you "I love you" in their first E-mail!
rena 12 year s ago
Number 5 really disturbs me because that girl doesn't look like she wants to be with that guy. Ugh,I just feel sorry for all of them and I don't know how they can keep their food down with those old goats on top of them.
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