a cargo ship full of the long time bathtub favorite mr bubble wrecked off the coast of australia. thousand of gallons of mr bubble leaked out and washed ashore. when news of this story made headlines, BP decided they were going to purposely sink a ship full of the dish soap dawn in the gulf of mexico. seeing how dawn cuts through tough left on grease, BP figured it'd help clean up the mess they made, saying "if its good enough for our dishes its good enough for our fishes".
a cargo ship full of the long time bathtub favorite mr bubble wrecked off the coast of australia. thousand of gallons of mr bubble leaked out and washed ashore. when news of this story made headlines, BP decided they were going to purposely sink a ship full of the dish soap dawn in the gulf of mexico. seeing how dawn cuts through tough left on grease, BP figured it'd help clean up the mess they made, saying "if its good enough for our dishes its good enough for our fishes".