and to think... each and every one of these eruptions has put more pollution into the atmosphere than everything that humans have done, combined. Let that put things into perspective when you demand that everybody use magic light bulbs, drive eco-crap-cars and boohoo about the polar bears or push the "Man Made" Gorebal warming fraud.
@YY, I think you need to do some research before you carelessly vent your ill-informed opinions on public forums. Humans produce roughly 100 times the CO2 of all Volcanoes combined, annually.
and to think... each and every one of these eruptions has put more pollution into the atmosphere than everything that humans have done, combined. Let that put things into perspective when you demand that everybody use magic light bulbs, drive eco-crap-cars and boohoo about the polar bears or push the "Man Made" Gorebal warming fraud.
@YY, I think you need to do some research before you carelessly vent your ill-informed opinions on public forums. Humans produce roughly 100 times the CO2 of all Volcanoes combined, annually.