we have four loko in Detroit mi and it is still an energy drink/ beer and I dont know if they are old or out dated but they sell the crispy m&m's here still
I can still buy Waffle Crisp in Ohio. There's a store called Jungle Jim's here that sells candy and foods from all over the world! I still haven't found M&M Crisps yet :(
Mt. Dew Pitch Black was the only Mt. Dew I'd drink, and screw them for getting rid of Surge! I lived on that as a child.
Pepsi Blue, Sprite Remix, and 3D Doritos need to be brought back. Its 2012! Their time to shine!
Parents think that YA are mildeasing their innocent children to believe in love at first sight and happily ever after. Parents are also worried that their children will be exposed to unhealthy elements such as profanity, teen sex and drug abuse. aikychien at yahoo dot com
we have four loko in Detroit mi and it is still an energy drink/ beer and I dont know if they are old or out dated but they sell the crispy m&m's here still
I can still buy Waffle Crisp in Ohio. There's a store called Jungle Jim's here that sells candy and foods from all over the world! I still haven't found M&M Crisps yet :(
Mt. Dew Pitch Black was the only Mt. Dew I'd drink, and screw them for getting rid of Surge! I lived on that as a child.
Pepsi Blue, Sprite Remix, and 3D Doritos need to be brought back. Its 2012! Their time to shine!
Parents think that YA are mildeasing their innocent children to believe in love at first sight and happily ever after. Parents are also worried that their children will be exposed to unhealthy elements such as profanity, teen sex and drug abuse. aikychien at yahoo dot com
honey bbq chicken sandwich I meant ;_;
Personally, i miss the coconut ritter sport
Vanilla coke is available in Oz Jurrie.
Mt. Dew Pitch Black was the only Mt. Dew I'd drink, and screw them for getting rid of Surge! I lived on that as a child.
Pepsi Blue, Sprite Remix, and 3D Doritos need to be brought back. Its 2012! Their time to shine!