including your own obviously.. lol. It should be "more lame" not "lamest" and rotted could have just been rot.. and "is" at the end of your sentence with no punctuation should be it.. Thanks.. Good day dummy.. :)
Well, if we are going to talk about grammar: "more lame" would be incorrect, "most lame" would do the trick, though. There is really no reason to think that "lamest" is incorrect. That fact notwithstanding, the sentence should read "...the most lame and idiotic.."
do you realize how retarded you just sounded? like for real? who says "omg that is the most lame thing I've ever seen" yeah no.
and p.s. Lamest is too a flipping word you moron, how about you try and look shit up before you go blabbing your mouth and make yourself look ignorant.
lamest superlative of lame (Adjective) Adjective:
(of a person or animal) Unable to walk normally because of an injury or illness affecting the leg or foot: "his horse went lame". (of a leg or foot) Affected in this way.
If someone states a logically sound point, then you're the idiot for using their spelling as a refutation.
A red herring demonstrates intellectual dishonesty, and the fact you think you won a debate by appealing to one further demonstrates the point you were attempting to disprove. You're a fucking moron and the pictures above must have had the gears in your head turning as fast as they have ever gone.
The fact that you bitches are arguing grammar on here, means your doing everything wrong. Get a life, Grammar Nazis. So, what was wrong with what I just said?
That music thing with Justin Bieber? Thats seriously not even funny. Half this stuff on this pge isnt even funny. But ya kno wat, Justin doesnt care wat yall be sayin bout him, so it really doesnt matter, u seriously need ta get a life and stop bein a Major Hater. Just cuz u cant sing, and u dont have the girls like he have, doesnt mean u have ta be hatein on the boy.
Just a thing here. But JB, can't sing either. So, no jealousy from here at all :)
Also how do you know if he doesn't care? Huh? do you know Justin Bieber personally? For all you know he sits in his room crying about this kinda stuff every night. He is simply a kid who has the ability to sing like a girl, has a cute little boy face, and was really lucky to even get a record deal. Besides, for all you know, Justin Bieber is an asshole, he could kick homeless people and spit on small children for all you know. I guess what im trying to say is, don't try to defend someone whom you know nothing about besides that he has a "cute face" or a "nice voice" or that the lyrics that someone wrote him to sing "speak to you". It makes you seem ignorant to defend someone you adore, and for what? Because hes famous.
Grammar Nazi time. :D Your spelling is absolutely terrible. I think that almost everyone one this page would agree. I would understand say one typo maybe even two, but the entire response that's just sad. Please do us all a favor and learn to type out complete words. It's people like you that prove to me that the human race is screwed (I am aware I fall into that category).
Seek professional help, QUICK!!! You sound anywhere from 12 to 15. That means you have 2 or 3 kids now?
So you all need to seek professional help. If you use this little twerp as an idol or an expectation of what life will bring you in the future or what a man should be, you will have serious problems and issues in the future. are willing to type ass but can't type bitches. Your period count is even off by one. Hence, you fail and should never try again. Bieber is the best one on here because he is a child, and most, if not all, of the internet has a sense of humor. Let's face it the internet was created to slander friends anonymously to the world, put down people you'll never meet, stare at porn, and steal media. Online games came later and they only enhanced the first two.
Haha i like you kids trying to defend Bieber, i am not jealous of him at all. His lyrics are uncreative and even the people he collaborates with only do it for the money.
Justin Bieber doesn't actually even write his own lyrics so for the people saying his lyrics are "real" they weren't actually his. he just contributed ideas, but the main part of his lyrics were written for him. Most people who make fun of JB, aren't jealous of him, they simply think that he looks like a girl and sings like one as well. and all the "girls" he has, if you look this up, his music mainly is very popular by girls between the ages of "9-14" So basically, all the prepubescent girls that he gets that were all supposed to be jealous of, I do believe ill just let him have them, and ill go adore people with real talent who don't sound like some twelve year old girl :)
I think it's funny the picture to creat the most commotion is the one of justin beiber.....Pretty sure most of this was just as funny and or anger rasing hahahah XP
you kno what my question is.... why so many comments about justin bieber. i mean i love him and the doing it wrong thing wasn't funny but you do kno there are more pics on here right lol smh at pathetic stupid ppl these days -_-
justin bieber is doing everything right!!!!!!! he's makin bank with every concert while u douches are sitting behind ur computers talking crap, yea who's the bigger person, Justin or the douche, and whoever says the douche is probably one of THE douches talking crap so :). so yea u keep talking crap and wat not, while ur sitting back doing it he's making bank and living his dream, recording songs with major artist. yea with ur no life having selves on this page smh get some lives douche bags >:)
i have a good question are you justin bieber or just a crazed fan who acts like he is your long lost cousin or best friend who really cares i never understand who truly gives a shit about someones life if you like his music you like his music otherwise get over yourself
Anyone who calls Justin Beiber an artist can go jump off a cliff. His lyrics are immature at best and have no meaning. He got a record deal beacause of a youtube video instead of actually working and earning his place in society. And those of you defending him, GET A LIFE! Just because you're a crazy obsessive fan doesn't mean that you have to defend every thing he does. People need to quit being so sensitive about some bitchy kid who sings like a four year old girl.
including your own obviously.. lol. It should be "more lame" not "lamest" and rotted could have just been rot.. and "is" at the end of your sentence with no punctuation should be it.. Thanks.. Good day dummy.. :)
Well, if we are going to talk about grammar: "more lame" would be incorrect, "most lame" would do the trick, though. There is really no reason to think that "lamest" is incorrect. That fact notwithstanding, the sentence should read "...the most lame and idiotic.."
do you realize how retarded you just sounded? like for real? who says "omg that is the most lame thing I've ever seen" yeah no.
and p.s. Lamest is too a flipping word you moron, how about you try and look shit up before you go blabbing your mouth and make yourself look ignorant.
lamest superlative of lame (Adjective) Adjective:
(of a person or animal) Unable to walk normally because of an injury or illness affecting the leg or foot: "his horse went lame". (of a leg or foot) Affected in this way.
If someone states a logically sound point, then you're the idiot for using their spelling as a refutation.
A red herring demonstrates intellectual dishonesty, and the fact you think you won a debate by appealing to one further demonstrates the point you were attempting to disprove. You're a fucking moron and the pictures above must have had the gears in your head turning as fast as they have ever gone.
The fact that you bitches are arguing grammar on here, means your doing everything wrong. Get a life, Grammar Nazis. So, what was wrong with what I just said?
That music thing with Justin Bieber? Thats seriously not even funny. Half this stuff on this pge isnt even funny. But ya kno wat, Justin doesnt care wat yall be sayin bout him, so it really doesnt matter, u seriously need ta get a life and stop bein a Major Hater. Just cuz u cant sing, and u dont have the girls like he have, doesnt mean u have ta be hatein on the boy.
Just a thing here. But JB, can't sing either. So, no jealousy from here at all :)
Also how do you know if he doesn't care? Huh? do you know Justin Bieber personally? For all you know he sits in his room crying about this kinda stuff every night. He is simply a kid who has the ability to sing like a girl, has a cute little boy face, and was really lucky to even get a record deal. Besides, for all you know, Justin Bieber is an asshole, he could kick homeless people and spit on small children for all you know. I guess what im trying to say is, don't try to defend someone whom you know nothing about besides that he has a "cute face" or a "nice voice" or that the lyrics that someone wrote him to sing "speak to you". It makes you seem ignorant to defend someone you adore, and for what? Because hes famous.
Grammar Nazi time. :D Your spelling is absolutely terrible. I think that almost everyone one this page would agree. I would understand say one typo maybe even two, but the entire response that's just sad. Please do us all a favor and learn to type out complete words. It's people like you that prove to me that the human race is screwed (I am aware I fall into that category).
Seek professional help, QUICK!!! You sound anywhere from 12 to 15. That means you have 2 or 3 kids now?
So you all need to seek professional help. If you use this little twerp as an idol or an expectation of what life will bring you in the future or what a man should be, you will have serious problems and issues in the future. are willing to type ass but can't type bitches. Your period count is even off by one. Hence, you fail and should never try again. Bieber is the best one on here because he is a child, and most, if not all, of the internet has a sense of humor. Let's face it the internet was created to slander friends anonymously to the world, put down people you'll never meet, stare at porn, and steal media. Online games came later and they only enhanced the first two.
Haha i like you kids trying to defend Bieber, i am not jealous of him at all. His lyrics are uncreative and even the people he collaborates with only do it for the money.
Justin Bieber doesn't actually even write his own lyrics so for the people saying his lyrics are "real" they weren't actually his. he just contributed ideas, but the main part of his lyrics were written for him. Most people who make fun of JB, aren't jealous of him, they simply think that he looks like a girl and sings like one as well. and all the "girls" he has, if you look this up, his music mainly is very popular by girls between the ages of "9-14" So basically, all the prepubescent girls that he gets that were all supposed to be jealous of, I do believe ill just let him have them, and ill go adore people with real talent who don't sound like some twelve year old girl :)
I think it's funny the picture to creat the most commotion is the one of justin beiber.....Pretty sure most of this was just as funny and or anger rasing hahahah XP
you kno what my question is.... why so many comments about justin bieber. i mean i love him and the doing it wrong thing wasn't funny but you do kno there are more pics on here right lol smh at pathetic stupid ppl these days -_-
justin bieber is doing everything right!!!!!!! he's makin bank with every concert while u douches are sitting behind ur computers talking crap, yea who's the bigger person, Justin or the douche, and whoever says the douche is probably one of THE douches talking crap so :). so yea u keep talking crap and wat not, while ur sitting back doing it he's making bank and living his dream, recording songs with major artist. yea with ur no life having selves on this page smh get some lives douche bags >:)
i have a good question are you justin bieber or just a crazed fan who acts like he is your long lost cousin or best friend who really cares i never understand who truly gives a shit about someones life if you like his music you like his music otherwise get over yourself
Anyone who calls Justin Beiber an artist can go jump off a cliff. His lyrics are immature at best and have no meaning. He got a record deal beacause of a youtube video instead of actually working and earning his place in society. And those of you defending him, GET A LIFE! Just because you're a crazy obsessive fan doesn't mean that you have to defend every thing he does. People need to quit being so sensitive about some bitchy kid who sings like a four year old girl.
"more lame" would be incorrect, "most lame" would do the trick, though. There is really no reason to think that "lamest" is incorrect.
That fact notwithstanding, the sentence should read "...the most lame and idiotic.."
and p.s. Lamest is too a flipping word you moron, how about you try and look shit up before you go blabbing your mouth and make yourself look ignorant.
superlative of lame (Adjective)
(of a person or animal) Unable to walk normally because of an injury or illness affecting the leg or foot: "his horse went lame".
(of a leg or foot) Affected in this way.
A red herring demonstrates intellectual dishonesty, and the fact you think you won a debate by appealing to one further demonstrates the point you were attempting to disprove. You're a fucking moron and the pictures above must have had the gears in your head turning as fast as they have ever gone.
Also how do you know if he doesn't care? Huh? do you know Justin Bieber personally? For all you know he sits in his room crying about this kinda stuff every night. He is simply a kid who has the ability to sing like a girl, has a cute little boy face, and was really lucky to even get a record deal. Besides, for all you know, Justin Bieber is an asshole, he could kick homeless people and spit on small children for all you know. I guess what im trying to say is, don't try to defend someone whom you know nothing about besides that he has a "cute face" or a "nice voice" or that the lyrics that someone wrote him to sing "speak to you". It makes you seem ignorant to defend someone you adore, and for what? Because hes famous.
So you all need to seek professional help. If you use this little twerp as an idol or an expectation of what life will bring you in the future or what a man should be, you will have serious problems and issues in the future.
Get a life, loser.
half of this didn't make sense to me, maybe
i'm too old. lol. it was cute sorta. thanks brock
i love you, mau=mau
conformity....your doing it right.
You're doin' it right