Posted in
ANIMALS 11 Feb 2011
This crow is either very lucky or very brave. He doesn’t seem to have any seem natural self preservation instincts. His pal is not all that friendly. In fact, it is a bird of prey. He is lucky he wasn’t lunch while he was looking for his lunch.
Sentose Isand is a tad fancier thanks to a beautiful Meera house created by Guz Architects. The house illustrates how to make the most of space by utilizing two solid walls on each side for privacy while providing access to an ocean view and greenery.
These kids are all dressed up with no place to go. They are wearing funny looking costumes. The funny part is that none of them look overjoyed about it. I think the parents get more of a kick out of dressing their kids’ funny than the kids do.
Posted in
ANIMALS 11 Feb 2011
Cats have an amazing ability to jump very high in the air. And these cats are absolutely flying. Either they were scared by something or they are attacking some imaginary prey that is way up in the air.
Similar post:
Cats Can Fly (14 pics)
These are some incredible icebergs. They are super colorful, beautiful, and above all else, huge. IT is amazing how Mother Nature makes such beautiful objects. Just don’t tell the people who were on the Titanic that ;)
Posted in
BLOGS 11 Feb 2011
This rescue helicopter brought an emergency doc to a car repair station where one of their mechanics was heavy injured. I think, I wouldn´t try to put my hand between the grass and the rotor wings... This happened in Northern Italy in a small village on the eastern side of the famous stelvio pass.
Posted in
BLOGS 11 Feb 2011
On the way with my bike through the Defereggental (Defereggen-valley) to the "Staller Sattel", an Alpine pass from Eastern Tyrol, a part from Austria to Southern Tyrol, a part from Italy. But lot of kind of this "traffic" is common there... ;-)
Posted in
DAILY 11 Feb 2011
Even if you are cereal guy, it doesn’t mean you can predict future heartthrobs!
This is not Photoshop as you might have thought at first.
Valentine’s day is a day of surprises – preferably good ones but every once in a while an occasional nasty surprise springs up ruining the day and leaving us scarred for life. Want to know what I’m talking about? Check out this sweet trail of hearts that had an ending you would never predict.
Posted in
CELEBS 10 Feb 2011
How I Met Your Mother star Cobie Smulders confirmed for “The Avengers” movie
Apparently a French gentleman named Louis Mantin inherited this mansion and a fortune at age 42. He then dedicated his life to the arts, science and his personal pleasure. When he died in 1905, his last wish was that the mansion was to be sealed for 100 years and then reopened as a museum. It cost $4,700,000 to restore it to its original pristine condition.
Here is a wild assortment of pictures to help you make it through Thursday and into Friday.
Super Man
This worker struggles with his load of veggies on the municipal market in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Posted in
10 Feb 2011
This is quite a traffic accident. The circumstances are quite unusual. It’s amazing that anyone got out alive, but apparently no one was hurt at all. However, the vehicle got demolished. Makes you wonder how this happened.
This is a Portuguese man-of-war.
No matter what or how it is created it is a beautiful creature that boggles the mind.
Whether you believe in recycling or not, these NES controller modifications will make you desperately long for one too. Some are cheesy, others are pure genius which begs the question, if you had an old NES controller laying around, what would you turn it into?
PC Card Reader
Would you like to live in a world without him?
Excellent comic strip about rewriting the history for the better or for the worse… for some ;)
Everyone is forever trying to answer the age old question about bigger being better. The answer is sometimes but not always. There are some things that bigger is better. However, there are some things where bigger isn’t better. Take a look and you’ll see what I mean.
Your sandwich?
Posted in
10 Feb 2011
The owner of this car took it to auto service complaining about the tapping sound at the front.
These are unique photographs of Dan Wybrant showing the typesetting and paste-up of the newspaper in the 70’s. While these pictures are interesting to look at, I think we are all thankful to have the computer these days!
Posted in
DAILY 10 Feb 2011
Posted in
CELEBS 9 Feb 2011
Twitter and Twitter some more. Some are good some are bad, but no matter what they made us look. Here are some celeb twitter pics that turned our heads.
Previous post:
Twitpics Tweeted by Celebrities (57 pics)
Arnold Schwarzenegger