He could have taken the money he used on the cars and the garage and bought himself a normal sized penis to replace the micro-penis he has and with the left over money, purchased high quality hookers for years. but hey, you can't ride a hooker to the liquor store...
You guys are all just jealous you don't have this much money. We all know if you had enough money for 3 Porche 911's that you would do even worse things with it that wouldn't last like this. This is a pretty awesome project. I wish I had that kind of money.
He could have taken the money he used on the cars and the garage and bought himself a normal sized penis to replace the micro-penis he has and with the left over money, purchased high quality hookers for years. but hey, you can't ride a hooker to the liquor store...
You guys are all just jealous you don't have this much money. We all know if you had enough money for 3 Porche 911's that you would do even worse things with it that wouldn't last like this. This is a pretty awesome project. I wish I had that kind of money.
but hey, you can't ride a hooker to the liquor store...
...or can you?
Greetings from Stuttgart/Germany, the 'hometown' of Porsche
Hey I building my garage for my cars, can i put on Izismile me too ??!!
We all know if you had enough money for 3 Porche 911's that you would do even worse things with it that wouldn't last like this.
This is a pretty awesome project.
I wish I had that kind of money.
Must be the top news story of the year.
I like doors!
Eat all the rich, they taste like bacon !