antitrollp4trol 13 year s ago
Hammie cake!! # 20! sqweeeel!
orendadude 13 year s ago
Party animals...Hmmmmm
Mr. Ree 13 year s ago
the guinea pigs don't look happy because there's no liquor being served. Guinea Pigs are generally considered to be the hard drinkers of the rodent community and they can get violent of no alcohol is served.
Neko 13 year s ago
much cuteness :)
Bri 13 year s ago
i love the hammies and the dog in 18 looks like he is smiling
Schivu 12 year s ago
Great pictures!!! The rgatohpopher did an awesome job of putting the memory of the moment in print. It could not have been any more perfect and you both looked so happy. Georgia, you're such a diva and you look beautiful! XOX
Kallebe 12 year s ago
I must say I like the chimpanzees best, too. Especially when tcnahiwg them care for their babies. Perhaps it's because, as our cousins, they are so much like us.I love tcnahiwg the otters play too! (-: I love photographing flamingos, with their beautiful colors and shapes, and the texture of their feathers.It's great to see your photography again, Friend!
Eliete 12 year s ago
The student’s naiaontl reading standing based on theTerraNova, a naiaontlly norm-referenced achievement testAs part of the comprehensive assessment system, your Grade 3-10 student also should have participated in a second reading assessment during the spring window. This assessment was a norm-referenced assessment – the adaptive version of the TerraNovaAchievement Test published by CTB/McGraw-Hill Publishers.Student scores on the TerraNova component provide a basis for educators, parents, and students to compare Delaware student performance with the performance of a representative sample of students across the nation who have also participated in the TerraNova testing program.This score is presented on the graphic as a percentile rank. A percentile rank is a way of looking at how well the student performed on the TerraNova reading test relative to students tested at the same grade level in the naiaontl norms. Percentile rank gives you information as to what percentage of students in the same grade in the norm study scored higher or lower than the student. For example, if the student had a reading percentile rank of 91, it means that 91 percent of the students in the naiaontl norms scored below the student and only 9 percent scored at or higher than the student’s score. If the student had a reading percentile rank of 54, it means that 54 percent of the students in the naiaontl norms scored below the student and that 46 percent scored at or higher than the student’s score. If the student had a percentile rank of 29, it means that 29 percent of students in the naiaontl norms scored below the student and that 71 percent scored at or higher than the student’s score.In some cases a student might seem to score higher or lower on the TerraNova reading test than on the DCAS reading test. It must be kept in mind that a student’s TerraNova percentile rank score cannot be directly compared to the relative scale position of the DCAS reading test score. There are several reasons why these scores are noncomparable:• The TerraNova reading test was not specifically written to the Delaware reading content standards as the DCAS is.• The TerraNova reading test is entirely comprised of multiple-choice items. The DCAS has some machine scored constructed response items, but is also mostly multiple choice.• The cognitive demand of DCAS items is higher; therefore, the two tests measure different aspects of reading and their results cannot be directly compared.• The score for the DCAS reading test is based on a larger number of test items than the score for the TerraNova reading test. This means that the DCAS reading test samples a larger portion of the student’s reading skills as defined by the English language arts content standards than does the TerraNova.
Animals Having Party

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