I keep wishing that houses will revert to the smaller size they once where. So many of these blasted huge boxes popping up in the middle of empty fields of sub divisions. And they all look the same with wonkey roof angles and pitches.
i like the concept but not the execution. she pretty much just aped a conventional house, only scaled down to a barn. looks like most of the standard home-building materials were used, which contributes to a problem only getting worse. sorry to be negative, but there are people who've done the same project only much more organically and effectively.
I keep wishing that houses will revert to the smaller size they once where. So many of these blasted huge boxes popping up in the middle of empty fields of sub divisions. And they all look the same with wonkey roof angles and pitches.
i like the concept but not the execution. she pretty much just aped a conventional house, only scaled down to a barn. looks like most of the standard home-building materials were used, which contributes to a problem only getting worse. sorry to be negative, but there are people who've done the same project only much more organically and effectively.