Posted in
17 Apr 2012
The brave Ultraman beat the pants of all the monsters, but he has to stop them from escaping as fast as he can. Come on!
Posted in
FUNNY 17 Apr 2012
Although many people use the duct tape as a universal tool to fix anything, sometimes such a quick repair leaves broken things which remain… well, wrapped in duct tape and that’s all.
Posted in
FUNNY 17 Apr 2012
All these animals have one thing in common – they don’t have a slightest idea how the hell they ended up having their current task and what they are supposed to do right now.
Posted in
ANIMALS 17 Apr 2012
Tibetan sand fox gives you a suspicious look.
Posted in
16 Apr 2012
Restore Dracula's castle before the owner's arrival.
So far we have not heard new stories about the most famous vampire Count Dracula. But recently renewed talk, that someone saw him again in the city. Strange things have become to happen in his desolated castle and chilling sounds could be heard from there.
Posted in
VIDEO 15 Apr 2012
Posted in
VIDEO 15 Apr 2012
This is just adorable. Cornelia (5) - drum, harp. Olga (8) – keyboard. Stefan (10) - vocal, guitar, violin.
Posted in
VIDEO 15 Apr 2012
Posted in
DAILY 14 Apr 2012
Hey Guys,
Today we’re doing some technical works on the site, so as you already guessed – no work today for us. But tomorrow we will be back with fresh content :)
Have a good day and see you tomorrow!
This unique and never before seen woman performer sang at the Austrian Eurovision casting show to a delighted crowd. Her voice impressed many people.
These people decided to tie the knot and then capture the moment in the most awkward ways possible.
Posted in
RANDOM 14 Apr 2012
During its world tour the band Wormrot found a new type of fan they probably never expected to encounter.
These fans take losing to heart and it shows on their poor little depressed faces.
Memes are seemingly all over the Internet and Facebook is no exception.
If you want to see the largest and most detailed Lego model visit Legoland in Germany where that have reproduced the whole city using Legos.
Posted in
14 Apr 2012
This Parisian amateur photographer loves snapping photos of the everyday and creating unique portraits.
In the short time the Internet has been around it has faced many different problems (remember Y2K?) but these ten recent plagues have turned our beloved community into a troubled space.
Posted in
14 Apr 2012
No matter what the political struggles are in a country nature is still going to be as beautiful as ever, and Iran is no exception.
Posted in
DAILY 13 Apr 2012
Imagine having actual friends like these in real life so that things would be so much more interesting.