Posted in
8 Aug 2012
The aliens are invading your neighborhood and it's down to Spunky the Dog to take the fight to the aliens and win.
This collection of funny, unbelievable and heartwarming pictures was captured by photographers who happened to be in the right place and in the right time.
Unlicensed taxi drivers messed up the market for legal taxi providers in Foshan, China, so they decided to settle the problem for good and all.
Posted in
8 Aug 2012
These creative ideas seem just too unorthodox.
This will make your brain melt.
Posted in
8 Aug 2012
This is what happens when bus-mania meets creativity. A guy from Hungary built an amazing working place with a computer desk out of a scrapped bus cab.
Both the locals and the tourists rushed to the beach to cool off after a hot day in Qingdao, China. Soon the place became “a bit” overcrowded…
While sculpted muscular bodies of professional athletes look really impressive, the photographs of these Russian guys showing off their “ripped” muscles at bodybuilding forums are just ridiculous.
Posted in
CELEBS 8 Aug 2012
Certain famous persons bear a funny and sometimes uncanny resemblance to people who lived long ago.
Bruce Willis and WWII general Douglas MacArthur
Posted in
VIDEO 8 Aug 2012
This one’s awesome, they are mindf**ked so hard!
A man has noticed a troubled baby squirrel on a rock near the stream at the backyard of his house. When he came closer, he saw another squirrel trapped under the rocks and drowning...
Posted in
VIDEO 8 Aug 2012
Lucky kid will make all his friends jealous... even I am jealous!
A lightning strike in Omsk, Russia.
Posted in
VIDEO 8 Aug 2012
Posted in
FUNNY 8 Aug 2012
Posted in
VIDEO 8 Aug 2012
Posted in
FUNNY 8 Aug 2012
Animals are complete trolls! They mastered the art of spoiling our pictures and they do it way better than humans will ever do. But we should thank them because they have this amazing ability of transforming boring pictures into priceless ones.
Ouch! That must be painful.
Posted in
CELEBS 8 Aug 2012
No, it’s not a homeless person, it’s a celebrity we all know pretty well, but it’s hard to recognize a man with a beard that big!
Google search is a gold mine of laughter thanks to its auto-suggestions. Seriously, either people have a strange sense of humor, or they’re just plain stupid.