orendadude 12 year s ago
#31-Does this pic not promote a stereotypical form of racism that goes against Izi's new found political correctness. Before you critisize or muzzle people that have opinions other than your own or the whiners who complain about it, surely it would be prudent to edit your own pics. Some might say that is hypicritical. Just saying...just keep the titties, asses, sluts and whores coming in...that's all I ask especially the white ones. They are my favorites.
Peanut 12 year s ago
Political correctness spells the death of freedom of speech. The whiners quite often cannot accept truth and scream 'racism' at the drop of a hat. They don't like being who and what they are, and endeavor to make the ethnic groups they hate the most (white European descent) pay through the nose anyway they can, even while striving to be just like us. Pathetic.

Well said, Orendadude. Glad you're Canadian, too.
Mr. Ree 12 year s ago
#29 , #31 , #34 - All offensive to various races and/or religions. Why does Izismile feel a need to be so offensive?

#37 - RAPE as a form of humor??? RAPE??? This is supposed to be funny?? Izismile doesn't want any racists comments but it's OK for them to make a humorous posting about a horrible violent crime against women?
That's disgraceful and disgusting!

Jesus hates you.
SuckaMC 12 year s ago
even the baby version of jesus hates you..
I Feel like I’m Losing My Mind! (40 pics + 5 gifs)
