Want to impress me? Show me a horse that paints in any of the following forms: Cubism, Pointilism, Surrealism, Realism, Impressionism, Expressionism, Dadaism, Photorealism, Symbolism, or even Pop Art for that matter. Virtually anyone/thing can paint in the Abstract form.
Sometimes, I tie a paintbrush to my dick, dip it in paint, then dance around on the canvas and let the paintbrush slide around. I haven't made any money yet with the paintings but I've sold 17 of the videos to gay guys on the Internet. Gallinazo bought 11 of them himself.
Want to impress me? Show me a horse that paints in any of the following forms: Cubism, Pointilism, Surrealism, Realism, Impressionism, Expressionism, Dadaism, Photorealism, Symbolism, or even Pop Art for that matter. Virtually anyone/thing can paint in the Abstract form.
Sometimes, I tie a paintbrush to my dick, dip it in paint, then dance around on the canvas and let the paintbrush slide around. I haven't made any money yet with the paintings but I've sold 17 of the videos to gay guys on the Internet. Gallinazo bought 11 of them himself.
I haven't made any money yet with the paintings but I've sold 17 of the videos to gay guys on the Internet.
Gallinazo bought 11 of them himself.