Any FB status that contains phrases of the kind "Like if ...." or something similar is automatically ignored by me. If you make a funny, interesting or otherwise likeworthy status I'll like it, sure, but asking for compliments makes the compliment itself invalid.
Here's a shocker - I couldn't care less about facebook. It could disappear tomorrow and I wouldn't even notice it's gone. I'm sure Zuckerfucker is crying himself to sleep over that...
Any FB status that contains phrases of the kind "Like if ...." or something similar is automatically ignored by me. If you make a funny, interesting or otherwise likeworthy status I'll like it, sure, but asking for compliments makes the compliment itself invalid.
Here's a shocker - I couldn't care less about facebook. It could disappear tomorrow and I wouldn't even notice it's gone. I'm sure Zuckerfucker is crying himself to sleep over that...