Unemployment isn't 7.6%. The numbers were calculated differently. If you use the same methods for both numbers, our modern unemployment number is 11.6%.
That number only reflects the percentage of people actually receiving UI benefits. Those individuals that have given up looking for work or are no longer eligible to receive benefits but are still unemployed, are not counted. Realistically, our unemployment rate is closer to 20%, but the media doesn't tell you that because that would make Obama look bad.
Unemployment isn't 7.6%. The numbers were calculated differently. If you use the same methods for both numbers, our modern unemployment number is 11.6%.
That number only reflects the percentage of people actually receiving UI benefits. Those individuals that have given up looking for work or are no longer eligible to receive benefits but are still unemployed, are not counted. Realistically, our unemployment rate is closer to 20%, but the media doesn't tell you that because that would make Obama look bad.
Realistically, our unemployment rate is closer to 20%, but the media doesn't tell you that because that would make Obama look bad.
And we can't have that, can we?