It's not just 'cheap chinese trash' that gets made in these shithole work areas, Many name brand American companies contract out their assembly and manufacturing labor to China and other nations to get lower labor rates and materials cost. So, in this case, you might not want to buy a no-name spark plug for $1.00 each but you choose to pay $2.50 each for a name brand one, they might be getting made across the dirt road from one another in the same city.
It's not just 'cheap chinese trash' that gets made in these shithole work areas, Many name brand American companies contract out their assembly and manufacturing labor to China and other nations to get lower labor rates and materials cost. So, in this case, you might not want to buy a no-name spark plug for $1.00 each but you choose to pay $2.50 each for a name brand one, they might be getting made across the dirt road from one another in the same city.
So, in this case, you might not want to buy a no-name spark plug for $1.00 each but you choose to pay $2.50 each for a name brand one, they might be getting made across the dirt road from one another in the same city.