AMemoriam 10 year s ago
Am I supposed to show compassion?
They're still eating MacDonalds and 50% of them are still overweight..
Just don't try to seek attention and stick your hands out, go do some work.
izzimyfizzi 10 year s ago
^ You Sir, are a fuckwit. McDonalds is a cheap meal, something they can obviously afford, unlike a serve of healthy salad or vegetable.
$2 buys a meal at McDonalds. Like to see you buy a healthy alternative with that.

And as for, "Go do some work"... half the reason these people are there is because they cannot get a job.
Mr. Ree 10 year s ago
I disagree with the statement that they cannot get a job. I work in the 'headhunter' industry and though I don't deal with this segment of the the job market, several of my friends and co-workers do. Many homeless people refuse to take minimum wage jobs that they deem to be degrading such as janitorial, fast food, and the like. Some make more money off government handouts than they would at a part time minimum wage position. Some are career criminals and have been kicked out of the judicial system due to repetitive non-violent crimes like shoplifting, pilferage, etc. - the local police just don't want to deal with them anymore. Many are mentally ill. Some make more panhandling than they could at a legitimate job.
But, most could be employed if they truly wanted to be.

gigantes 10 year s ago
nevertheless, i'm of the opinion that there are still quite a few folks who are caught between a rock and hard place through little to no fault of their own. a lot of these people no doubt have medical bills and/or other expenses that make working minimum wage an effectively pointless 'solution'.

okay... and that may just be the way life is, and in the end maybe there's not a lot we can really do to help, but i'm not going to let the segment of scammers / slackers kill my sense of compassion. no... that's worth keeping for me because it helps keep me human and gives me some sense of kinship.
Jayzen Freeze 10 year s ago
the homeless started putting tents and stuff in a large wooded area near me in Michigan but the cops rode through the forest on horseback and kicked them all out.
Johny 10 year s ago
Well, we sure don't know the predicament that they're in, but it's a very sad life indeed.

Doesn't the US have some sort of public/private body who's willing to extend a helping hand to these people though? I, for one, live in a third world country with "squatters" almost everywhere, and yet, with some guidance here and some determination there, people are able to make it through.
jeanine.harris.14 9 year s ago
It amazes me that they made the big deal when the people were starving in Africa all the musician made the We Are The World album they held telethon s and when China had there disaster the US came to the rescue they had planes dropping boxes of food we have our troops still in Iraq trying to get their country in order but have they over looked the problem here? Obviously they have the means to have marathons so why not raise money and build some affordable buildings ? Cause trust and believe the residents in the Jungle are not all lazy or hopeless or drug addicts and before you form an opinion about who and what the people of the jungle are why don't you try going down there and talking to them? You will find a desert storm vet, a navy seal , a mother still in mourning over a lost child a lady who has been sexualy assaulted her whole life, a man dying of cancer, a teenager who ran from a foster home angry because he was abused by his father and his mother don't care, those are some of the ones I met or how about the boy from Iraq who saw his mother get tortured to death ? Some of these people are not here just because and some are I've saw mothers looking for there adult children only to leave in tears cause they rather stay in the jungle then leave people who refuse help now those are the ones who have gotten comfortable but the ones who will accept help make the help easy and accessible it's easy to get lured in deep down there its a grave yard where the aura will slowly kill the spirit and negativity posted on the Web and newspapers only drags them deeper
Silicon Valley’s Homeless People Find Shelter in the Jungle