posadnik 11 year s ago
hopeless emigrants.
Russians do not pickle cabbage. They ferment it. Pickled cabbage is either Georgian or Korean.
And Russians never eat fat raw (7). We salt it. Try to un-der-stand it. Corned meat is no more raw than salo is.
Kvass is a very specific sort of close-to-zero-alcohol beer. No concoctions, you ignoramuses. And there's no honey in traditional recipes, only brown bread, yeast and sugar.
Herring-mayo-and-pickle sandwich? WHY NOT, but the picture makes it as plain herring with a bit of onion. WHO STOLE THE PICKLES?
10) somebody fooled youy guys. The Russian dish is Kvass-and-Smetana-based. Kefir is needed for the Polish/Lietuvan/Buelorussian sort of Okroshka. What about me saying that all Americans eat only Kosher food?
13) THE ALLEGEDLY RUSSIAN DISH "KISHKA" PUZZLES ALL THE RUSSIANS THAT HAVE READ THAT CRAZY STUFF (several thousand, I guess). THEY|WE HAVE NEVER HEARD OF. Something like that should exist in Poland. All in all, the picture looks like Haggis.
18) canned atlantic herring from this picture is a cheap food for booze addicts. Cheap, almost not nutritious, no taste at all compared to canned salmon, which is really traditional.
jackhammer8 11 year s ago
@posadnik совершенно верно
Oksana 11 year s ago
I bet they meant krovyanka or zelts, what the hell is "Kishka"?

Blini with caviar and sour cream

Cruel prank idea: Tell your American friend it’s whipped cream and jam and watch them experience the most intense sensory bafflement of their lives. Recipe here.

Authentic Russian Foods That Are Bizarre to Say the Least