Did Teddy Roosevelt ever ride a moose?
Everybody knows Teddy Roosevelt was a badass. Roosevelt epitomizes the American ideal of manliness so much that he's become a staple of 21st century pop culture. But did Teddy ever ride a moose?
Sadly, no. The photo-composite above was part of a collage made by the press for the 1912 election. Roosevelt was running as a member of the Bull Moose Party, which explains why this pre-Photoshop fake was dreamt up. His opponents were also made to look like they were riding their party's mascots, with Taft on an elephant and Wilson perched atop a donkey.
But we can't help but wonder what it might look like if Roosevelt were able to run today as a Libertarian. Their party mascot is a penguin. Now that would be a real test of bravery.