trollmaster9000 11 year s ago
No burkas? how shameful.
Unknown 11 year s ago
Happyness before a coup d'état fomented by the psychopaths who control the united states and israel, a Muslim country, must be dangerous and backward, otherwise it would not make a good enemy for the public. :D
beeley 11 year s ago
They are not Muslim country...its Shia country.
Why you can not find even one Iranian prisoner in Guantanamo , even though they are screaming about 30 years ago “Death to America”?.
Why the western countries don’t add Iranian groups on the list of terrorism despite all committed by militias backed Iranian in Iraq and Syria of killing and slaughter?
Why bombard unmanned U.S. drone Ansar al-Sharia (Muslims) in Yemen but does not bombard the Houthis (Shia)?
Why France insists on preventing the inclusion of Hezbollah on the list of terrorism?
Why the West not allows to any form of Islamic rule of the Sunni composition of state from Afghanistan to Somalia to Mali and Yemen ... In contrast, allowed Iran Shia to become a superpower in the Gulf?
Why allow Shia Iran to spill in Africa under the guise of working charity, while preventing associations Sunni charity
Surf the web to see what they are doing in Syria now…
Maximus 11 year s ago
Argo fuck yourself
major7 11 year s ago
Greetings Mr. beeley. Well said.
Smileizedid 11 year s ago
Iran is a Muslim country, SHia is an offshoot.
There are no Iranins in gitmo because Iranians are not extremist. Iran helped us post 9/11. Iran is oil rich country surrounded by US army at every border. If Iraq and Afghanistan were as quit and suspenseful as they were initially thought, us would be fighting in iran right now, the iranian regime does what any other state does to ensure their logicality. And seems like you have some sort of conspiricy theory about US secretly backing Shia groups. France doesnt ad Hezbollah to the list of terrorist because they're a political fraction and Lebenons democratically elected government. Allow Iran to become a superpower? your must be high......sounds like you have your head up your butt buddy.
beeley 11 year s ago
They are Muslims?!!
They believe in Ali as infallible and sinless (Muslims don’t)
They believe Ali is the Wali (friend or intimate associate) of God; and like Allama Talib Johri think Ali's hand is Allah's hand. Ali's foot is Allah's foot in his book Insani Maasir aur Quran (Muslims don’t)
They believe in Nikah mut‘ah and Taqiyya. And it is a great virtue (Muslims don’t)
They believe in Misrepresentation of the Quran. (Muslims don’t)
We always hear in news “Israel charges Hezbollah rocket attacks on its civilians”: If Israel’s right then Hezbollah is terrorist. If Hezbollah’s right then Israel is invader…and don’t tell me both are right BUDDY
Smileizedid 11 year s ago
They are Muslims as in they believe Mohammad is the prophet same as Sunnis, the separation happens after the death of Mohammad and who's his real successor. But you're delusional and need a tin foil hat if you think that western have some sort of conspiracy against Sunnis is crazy. Either way the government of Iran does not represent the majority of Iranians. Hezbollah is a political organization that was created in the 1980, they are a militant group to counter Israels decades of occupation and aggression towards its neighboring countries. One persons terrorist is another persons Freedom fighter.
LOLMASTER5000 11 year s ago
This just goes to show what happens when a government rules and controls its people, rather than the reverse.

This can happen slowly over time and usually happens in a righteous guise and the citizens either don't realise it or are duped into supporting it. Sound familiar?
A Look at Life in Iran During the ‘60s and ‘70s