MIR 9 year s ago
Climate is changing with, or without humans.
epawlik 9 year s ago
Yup ..apparently many planets and moons in our solar system are going through massive climate change. What does that tell us??
ads2539 9 year s ago
This is all bulls#it. No more global warming, so now it's "climate change". Is the earth getting hotter or colder? Wetter or drier? Make up your mind. Also, hurricanes and typhoons are not on the rise as this story suggests.

Humans didn't cause any of this, and we can't stop it either. We may be using too much water, but we aren't affecting the overall climate. The surface of Mars is getting hotter - who's causing that?
nohelpneeded 9 year s ago
Let's face it, I could show you a picture of anything and say it's anything I want you to believe it is. Search Google Images for "Media deception easy" and you will see what I mean. You can learn everything you need to know about climate change by following the money. Everyone from Al Gore multi-millionaire to governments around the world charging a "carbon tax". Sorry greenies, it's about the money and nothing else. The globe has been warming since the end of the last ice age and there was a time in Earth's history where the global average temperature was 110 degrees. It's called a climate cycle and the only thing that argues against that is grant money.
trollmaster9000 9 year s ago
Climate change - the new religion. Complete with zealots!
trollmaster9000 9 year s ago
Al Gore invented global warming.
gigantes 9 year s ago
if we're still bullshitting ourselves with the comments above in the absolute 11th hour, i don't think we deserve to survive as a species. personal convenience and specious logic are not going to put out this fire.

the only thing i feel sorry about at this point is that we're currently taking a lot of other species and habitat down with us (the holocene extinction) and it's only going to get worse. OTOH there's still about 500m years left for the earth's atmosphere to support complex life. so i hope it comes back strong one day... minus us clever dumbasses.
gigantes 9 year s ago
haha if you neg my post enough, does it mean that you'll overturn reality...?

good luck with that, kiddos. :)
Thingy 9 year s ago
Reducing pollution is good for all of us. A clean planet is a happy one. BUT the climate has never been static, ever. It is only man's hubris that we are important / powerful enough to affect the climate so drastically.
Basically man-made climate change is a load of horsebollocks.

Which is bad news for people who grow things. And people who eat them.

California supplies almost 100 percent of America’s carrots, avocados, strawberries, almonds, grapes, etc. Lots of livestock, too. But because of the drought, California’s topsoil moisture and subsoil moisture reserves are nearly depleted and the state’s rangeland and pastures were rated 70% very poor to poor on July 27. As a result, food prices are on the rise. If you've never thought about climate change as a threat to food security, it’s time to start.

Alarming Photos That Reveal the Impact of Climate Change (25 pics + 1 video)