A quick way to stop people from making these jokes would be to fine them $1,000,000 (or take all of their assets), inject them with the Ebola virus, and air drop them over the Middle East during one of the muslim holidays where all the muzzie gather by the millions (parachute optional). Video record the whole thing and play it on national TV. The jokes will stop pretty quick.
A quick way to stop people from making these jokes would be to fine them $1,000,000 (or take all of their assets), inject them with the Ebola virus, and air drop them over the Middle East during one of the muslim holidays where all the muzzie gather by the millions (parachute optional). Video record the whole thing and play it on national TV. The jokes will stop pretty quick.
Video record the whole thing and play it on national TV.
The jokes will stop pretty quick.
Even better, just release his name.