After checking The Prestige, it had a budget of $40,000,000 (estimated) and a gross revenue of $109,676,311 (Worldwide). 8.5 IMDB users score and 66 metacritic doesn't make it a bad movie, either. It makes it a mediocre, yet appealable to those who wish to be entertained.
Same with Eyes Wide Shut - $65,000,000 (estimated) and a gross revenue of $160,637,680 (Worldwide). That's a 2.5 ratio for both, approximately. Such a flop...
Let's take Transformers: it had $150,000,000 (estimated) budget, and a gross revenue of $709,709,780 (Worldwide). That's a 4.5 (approximately) ratio. Judging by what this post defines a "flop", Transformers had e mediocre box office revenue.
Same with The Avengers: $220,000,000 (estimated) budget, gross revenue of $1,511,757,910 (Worldwide) - a 6.5 ratio. Taking into consideration that the two movies above appeal to a certain class of individuals, one which is more willing to pay for a ticket than the class of individuals that choose to watch the "flops".
What about Death Proof?
First of all retards the page is not putting down the films it is merely showing which films ranked the lowest by critics for each director. If you looked at the critic score for Eyes Wide Shut it is not that bad at all, it is just the lowest of all of Kubrick films based on the rating system. Second none of it has to do with how much money the films made. Even films that critics hate can make a lot money.
If you look closely, the title has been changed - from "Box Office Flops That Had Great Directors" to the current one, "Acclaimed Directors and Their Lowest Ranked Films", as you can see from the link of the page, to the title of the page itself.
I apologize you've the brainpower of a squirrel. Squirrels are cute, yet they are not smart. Also, they cannot type, so that makes you a tad better than a squirrel. Feel good about yourself!
P.S. Forget the thing about the typing - your punctuation is that of a squirrel's.
After checking The Prestige, it had a budget of $40,000,000 (estimated) and a gross revenue of $109,676,311 (Worldwide). 8.5 IMDB users score and 66 metacritic doesn't make it a bad movie, either. It makes it a mediocre, yet appealable to those who wish to be entertained.
Same with Eyes Wide Shut - $65,000,000 (estimated) and a gross revenue of $160,637,680 (Worldwide). That's a 2.5 ratio for both, approximately. Such a flop...
Let's take Transformers: it had $150,000,000 (estimated) budget, and a gross revenue of $709,709,780 (Worldwide). That's a 4.5 (approximately) ratio. Judging by what this post defines a "flop", Transformers had e mediocre box office revenue.
Same with The Avengers: $220,000,000 (estimated) budget, gross revenue of $1,511,757,910 (Worldwide) - a 6.5 ratio. Taking into consideration that the two movies above appeal to a certain class of individuals, one which is more willing to pay for a ticket than the class of individuals that choose to watch the "flops".
What about Death Proof?
First of all retards the page is not putting down the films it is merely showing which films ranked the lowest by critics for each director. If you looked at the critic score for Eyes Wide Shut it is not that bad at all, it is just the lowest of all of Kubrick films based on the rating system. Second none of it has to do with how much money the films made. Even films that critics hate can make a lot money.
If you look closely, the title has been changed - from "Box Office Flops That Had Great Directors" to the current one, "Acclaimed Directors and Their Lowest Ranked Films", as you can see from the link of the page, to the title of the page itself.
I apologize you've the brainpower of a squirrel. Squirrels are cute, yet they are not smart. Also, they cannot type, so that makes you a tad better than a squirrel. Feel good about yourself!
P.S. Forget the thing about the typing - your punctuation is that of a squirrel's.
After checking The Prestige, it had a budget of $40,000,000 (estimated) and a gross revenue of $109,676,311 (Worldwide). 8.5 IMDB users score and 66 metacritic doesn't make it a bad movie, either. It makes it a mediocre, yet appealable to those who wish to be entertained.
Same with Eyes Wide Shut - $65,000,000 (estimated) and a gross revenue of $160,637,680 (Worldwide). That's a 2.5 ratio for both, approximately. Such a flop...
Let's take Transformers: it had $150,000,000 (estimated) budget, and a gross revenue of $709,709,780 (Worldwide). That's a 4.5 (approximately) ratio. Judging by what this post defines a "flop", Transformers had e mediocre box office revenue.
Same with The Avengers: $220,000,000 (estimated) budget, gross revenue of $1,511,757,910 (Worldwide) - a 6.5 ratio. Taking into consideration that the two movies above appeal to a certain class of individuals, one which is more willing to pay for a ticket than the class of individuals that choose to watch the "flops".
What about Death Proof?
#28 I really liked it.
#6 Oh my. I love it !!!
Dear Jonathan,
If you look closely, the title has been changed - from "Box Office Flops That Had Great Directors" to the current one, "Acclaimed Directors and Their Lowest Ranked Films", as you can see from the link of the page, to the title of the page itself.
I apologize you've the brainpower of a squirrel. Squirrels are cute, yet they are not smart. Also, they cannot type, so that makes you a tad better than a squirrel. Feel good about yourself!
P.S. Forget the thing about the typing - your punctuation is that of a squirrel's.