a thumb is a finger: The thumb, and the rest of the fingers, are appendages or digits of the hand. While the thumb is distinctly different from the other four fingers, many medical professionals consider it a finger due to differences in size, bones, joints, and function. This reflects the Latin name digitus primus manus, which translates to “first digit of the hand”.
a thumb is a finger: The thumb, and the rest of the fingers, are appendages or digits of the hand. While the thumb is distinctly different from the other four fingers, many medical professionals consider it a finger due to differences in size, bones, joints, and function. This reflects the Latin name digitus primus manus, which translates to “first digit of the hand”.
The thumb, and the rest of the fingers, are appendages or digits of the hand. While the thumb is distinctly different from the other four fingers, many medical professionals consider it a finger due to differences in size, bones, joints, and function. This reflects the Latin name digitus primus manus, which translates to “first digit of the hand”.