gigantes 9 year s ago
hell turned out to be right here on earth.
ArxFerrum 9 year s ago
It doesn't have to be like this... and we really don't have to spin the clock back to the dark ages to clean our room or... um, planet.

Recycle; most especially plastics and glass. It could be done and it would make quite a difference. Of course, we would have to become a far more responsible species... and it might cost a little more time and effort than tossing water bottles out the car window.

What we lack is leadership that doesn't prefer profit and politics over common sense.
gigantes 9 year s ago
that's all very well, but the problems consistently outpace the solutions and the consequences are getting worse all the time.

this is what several of the messages in that other thread were getting at-- that every technological step forward brings with it a greater step backwards in terms of consequences.

one small example-- plastic recycling for example is in rough waters right now. due to very low oil prices, the costs of plastic recycling are around equal to the profits... or even more.

we are years and years behind where we needed to be with green energy and pollution control, and of course, every country has their own opinion on the matter which usually relates to their economic priorities. it's a total mess, with the probability of it being 'fixed' on the global scale pretty much laughably unlikely.
ArxFerrum 9 year s ago
Like I said... it's all mixed with profits and politics. Until that is finally put away, there will be no common focus.

As a species, we are the house divided and that's exactly the way we are kept.
one.dirty.old.man 9 year s ago
#24 is not electronic, its the plastic leftovers from electronics, as the circuit boards, and components are all stripped, and processed for precious metals
rikki_doxx 6 year s ago
But yet America is blamed for polluting the world.
The Truly Horrific Impact of Pollution on Earth
