"Contrary to popular belief, the inventor of the Segway did not ride off a cliff and die. Jim Heselden, however, ironically did. Heselden acquired Segway Inc. from its US inventor and founder, Dean Kamen, in 2009." URL: http://rivercitysegs.com/dean-kamen-alive/
Also Wiki shows him as still alive as well: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dean_Kamen
"Contrary to popular belief, the inventor of the Segway did not ride off a cliff and die. Jim Heselden, however, ironically did. Heselden acquired Segway Inc. from its US inventor and founder, Dean Kamen, in 2009." URL: http://rivercitysegs.com/dean-kamen-alive/
Also Wiki shows him as still alive as well: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dean_Kamen
"Contrary to popular belief, the inventor of the Segway did not ride off a cliff and die. Jim Heselden, however, ironically did. Heselden acquired Segway Inc. from its US inventor and founder, Dean Kamen, in 2009."
URL: http://rivercitysegs.com/dean-kamen-alive/
Also Wiki shows him as still alive as well: