#100 "don't expect poeple to speak english, the french education system does not focus on teaching foreign languages"... Well, that is clearly said by someone who don't know what he's talking about. We might not be the best at foreign languages (Dutch are far more efficient), but still : my 2 kids began english at school when they were 6, and began spanish few after, and we live in a small village, so our school has nothing special. I learned english in school too, where I also learned german... This post consider UK as foreign country, so i guess it is made by american people... so what about US education system regarding foreign languages???
#100 "don't expect poeple to speak english, the french education system does not focus on teaching foreign languages"... Well, that is clearly said by someone who don't know what he's talking about. We might not be the best at foreign languages (Dutch are far more efficient), but still : my 2 kids began english at school when they were 6, and began spanish few after, and we live in a small village, so our school has nothing special. I learned english in school too, where I also learned german... This post consider UK as foreign country, so i guess it is made by american people... so what about US education system regarding foreign languages???
#39 knobby knees, pointy witch chin, and stick thin legs? You sure thats her??
This post consider UK as foreign country, so i guess it is made by american people... so what about US education system regarding foreign languages???