USA is actually doing pretty fine with Obama, a whole lot better than with bush. he is not perfect because of TPP and other corporate stuff but he is damn near.
"damn near perfect"? You mean, you don't mind drones killing people with no court procedures, Guantanamo not being closed despite that being his pledge during 2007 and 2008, not allowing the Keystone pipeline, lobbyists running through the White House, not ending the NSA's Patriot Act, Operation Fast and Furious essentially erasing our border with Mexico and killing a whole lot of our citizens, getting bitch-slapped and embarrassed by Putin, unemployment numbers that are double what Bush's was, a credit rating that went down, spying on American journalists... all of that is "damn near perfect"? You're either a low-information voter, or you think that dragging America through the mud will do something to improve her.
USA is actually doing pretty fine with Obama, a whole lot better than with bush. he is not perfect because of TPP and other corporate stuff but he is damn near.
"damn near perfect"? You mean, you don't mind drones killing people with no court procedures, Guantanamo not being closed despite that being his pledge during 2007 and 2008, not allowing the Keystone pipeline, lobbyists running through the White House, not ending the NSA's Patriot Act, Operation Fast and Furious essentially erasing our border with Mexico and killing a whole lot of our citizens, getting bitch-slapped and embarrassed by Putin, unemployment numbers that are double what Bush's was, a credit rating that went down, spying on American journalists... all of that is "damn near perfect"? You're either a low-information voter, or you think that dragging America through the mud will do something to improve her.