Social media has made breaking up a bigger nightmare than ever before but Facebook has recognized this problem and now has new tools handy that will be activated on your profile as soon as you change your relationship status to “single”
Facebook just announced that they will help you manage how you prefer to interact with your old flames. Once you become officially single (by hitting the button, of course) the following tools will be available to you.
You will now be able to “see less of a former partner’s name and profile picture around Facebook without having to unfriend or block them. Their posts won’t show up in News Feed and their name won’t be suggested when people write a new message or tag friends in photos.
Now you control how much that jerk gets to invade your life.
And you also get to control how much they see about you.
They even decrease the torture by sorting through past posts so you don’t have to…but you still can, if you want to wallow in self pity for a while.
Now instead of hiding from your timeline to avoid your ex’s name, you can devote more energy to hating all of the happy couples throwing it in your face.