#2 ...she distracts the enemy with her fabulous boobs so the guys can shoot the enemy? #51 Fashion = 'fuck logic' #60 Yay ignorance! #90 Pussys will be safe (from that blob) #91 Taming the wild animal #99 Nice...uhm...Cover-Up?
#2 ...she distracts the enemy with her fabulous boobs so the guys can shoot the enemy? #51 Fashion = 'fuck logic' #60 Yay ignorance! #90 Pussys will be safe (from that blob) #91 Taming the wild animal #99 Nice...uhm...Cover-Up?
#51 Fashion = 'fuck logic'
#60 Yay ignorance!
#90 Pussys will be safe (from that blob)
#91 Taming the wild animal
#99 Nice...uhm...Cover-Up?
#31 and ditto O Hell Noooooo