
The Cooper Family’s Unwanted Dinner Guest

This photo was taken in the 1950s. The story goes that the Cooper family took this photo shortly after moving into an old house they bought in Texas. They were excited in being in a new home and wanted to celebrate the occasion. When they got the photograph developed, they were horrified to see an image of a body falling from the ceiling.

They assured people that there was indeed no falling body while they were having the photo taken. Tons of experts over the years investigated, yet no one could give a explanation for the occurrence. Some claim it must be a problem with the photo developing, others say it must be some sort of hoax. Some say it is proof of a haunting and must be one of the house’s previous tenants who died.

Of course, some others are insistent that someone actually did hang from the ceiling while the photo was taken; it’s that simple. But then, if that’s the case, why are their face and hands blacked out? Crazy as it is to look at, this picture grew famous as it stands out as a peculiar piece of evidence that just can’t be reconciled.

Freaky And Spooky Photographs That Nobody Knows How To Explain