Nikola Tesla was a genius in his own right as he was an inventor, physicist, and mechanical engineer. He came up with the idea of a mobile phone back in 1901. He also predicted the development of drone warfare. He believed his invention would be so destructive it would "tend to bring about and maintain permanent peace among nations."
#57 Google will never be able to duplicate, nor replicate, the overwhelming feeling of actually being in the presence of great, natural beauty. Google can lend us maps, pictures, and directions, but they can never duplicate the magic that comes from actually living the moments in these great places, even if for a few moments. Any time of day, on any given time of year, the Canyons have their own smells and sounds depending on what wildlife is migrating. Each season brings new life to the Canyons. Each sunrise, sunset, twilight, and full moon, brings more to life than any CGI or Hollywood movie. The romance of its natural beauty makes everyone who views it, reconsider their definition of, LOVE.