laughinggas 7 year s ago
Some of them are still used in Mexico!

In this article we've covered all kinds of weird and gruesome ways people were (mostly) intentionally killed in the Middle Ages. But really, the most lethal thing about medieval life was medieval life itself. You didn't need to get sawn in half or boiled alive or impaled to die; if you were born in the Middle-Ages, there was a 10% chance you'd die before you turned 1. There was a 30% chance you'd be dead before your tenth birthday. A total lack of sanitation or understanding of disease meant plague was endemic, the lack of modern medicine meant that a bad cold or a tiny scratch (possibly from a tooth) could kill you, to say nothing of dying in childbirth if you were a woman. A lack of modern agricultural technology meant that every few years if the weather was bad, a bunch of your friends would starve to death. We worry about crime rates today, but violent death was way more common back then. And if you were lucky enough to survive all the things that could kill you as a kid, there was a 90+% chance that you were doomed to a life of drudgery as a dirt-poor peasant, with all the fun of getting to look forward to one-third of your kids dying in infancy.

Here Are The Most Awful Ways To Die In The Middle Ages